Chapter Five

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When they arrived at the bar, Darcy felt a little more nervous that before. Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to calm down for a couple moments. Once she was calm, Chris went around and opened Peggy's door to let the two girls out. He held out his hand for Peggy, helping her out of the truck, before doing the same for Darcy.

"Seb, Mackie, and Dorthy are already here. Jeremy should be here soon." Chris said, as he glanced around the parking lot.

Chris held an arm out to both girls, before he walked them into the bar. As soon as they were inside, Peggy grabbed Darcy's arm and dragged her towards her friend. Chris went off on his own to hang out with his friends Sebastian and Anthony.

"Dorthy, this is Darcy. She's my new neighbor and new friend." Peggy commented, as she motioned between the two girls.

"Nice to meet you, Darcy. I'm Dorthy Stan, that man over there," She pointed to the short haird man,"is my husband Sebastian. We live a few houses down from you." She said, and Darcy smiled.

"Nice to meet you, too. Y'know, Peggy was saying we could pick a weekend to hangout sometimes. I think you two pick a weekend each month, and we can do girlie stuff at my place." She commented, causing both women to nod in agreement.

"You have a huge place. I've always wanted to see the inside of it." Dorthy commented, making Darcy laugh.

"It better be huge, it costed me a pretty penny." Darcy replied, and Dorthy snorted out a laugh.

"I bet it did. I think I remember that place bein' on the market for like six hundred." Dorthy answered, making Darcy nod.

"That didn't even include all my utilities and such. The bill for the pool each month is huge. My puppies better be happy I love them enough to keep the pool running." Darcy commented, causing her friends to laugh.

Meanwhile, Chris stood with Sebastian and Anthony, telling them about his new friend.

"She moved into the most expensive house in town." Sebastian commented, and Chris nodded.

"Yeah, but she's a nice girl, even if she's from the city and gots a lot money." He replied, causing his friends to chuckle.

"She doesn't look like she's from 'round here, so I'm guessing y'all were the ones who got her them boots." Anthony said, making Chris nod.

"Peggy's idea. She figured the girl would want to blend in as much as possible," He answered,"Besides, Darcy told us she wanted help being a country girl, so we're tryin' our best." He added, as his friends laughed.

Soon, Jeremy joined them, and when his eyes caught the new girl with his friends' wives, he was curious. He studied her for a moment, and could tell she was new and not from around there. The problem was, for the first time in years, he found the girl to be attractive. He refused to show it though, so he seemingly turned around and ignored her presence.

"Hey, Renner," Anthony greeted,"seen the new girl?" He asked, and Jeremy shrugged.

"Just caught a glance." He replied, making Anthony smirked.

"She's a beaut', don't ya think?" He questioned, causing Jeremy to sigh.

"She bought that expensive house next to Chris and Peggy's. I'm guessin' she's got quite the bank account." Sebastian commented, making Chris frown.

"Peggy doesn't want us assumin' the girl's a stuck up snob. She was real nice to us, and she has some cute pups back home with Dodger. She runs her own small business, and she made me and Peggy some stuff for free." He said, causing his friends to hold their hands up in mock surrender.

"Didn't mean to offend you and Peggy, or say anythin' mean about Darcy, man." Anthony replied, and Chris simply nodded.

Anyhow, back with Darcy, Dorthy, and Peggy; the three girls were sitting at the bar drinking a beer. Darcy wasn't a huge fan of beer, but she knew she'd have to get use to the flavor if she wanted to blend in. None of the other women seemed to drink any of the fancy drinks she was use to, so she didn't order one. She let Peggy order her a beer, since that was what she and Dorthy were drinking.

"Peg said ya make stuff with pictures on 'em, is that true?" Dorthy asked, and Darcy nodded.

"Yeah, I make all kinds of clothes and tote bags with embroidered images on them, but I've also done a few duffle bags and school bags as well. People can make special requests, which cost a little extra, like diaper bags with the baby's initials on them or whatever." Darcy said, causing Dorthy to smile.

"My sister's havin' a little girl in a couple months. Ya think I could order a few things for her and the baby?" Dorthy asked, making Darcy grin.

"Of course, just come by sometime and pick out what you want me to do. If you have a specific diaper bag or something, let me know, so I can pick it up." Darcy answered, and Dorthy nodded.

"We can hang out next weekend; see what you can do." Peggy said, and the other two girls quickly agreed.

As the girls were talking, they heard someone whistle. All three girls turned around, to see a smiling Chris waving at them.

"He's just checkin' in. Karaoke will be startin' soon." Peggy commented, and Darcy nodded.

"So, I know Chris and Sebastian from looks, and I assume Anthony was the other guy that was already here, but who's the blonde?" She asked, causing the two women to glance at each other before Peggy answered her.

"That's Jeremy Renner. He owns the Renner farm in town. He's very closed off and doesn't get out much. He's Chris's best friend though, so I see him a bit more than the others in town." Peggy replied, trying not to give away too many of Jeremy's secrets.

If Darcy was supposed to know his secrets, she would find out eventually...

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