Chapter Three

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Darcy had trouble finding an outfit that didn't make her look like a rich, city girl

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Darcy had trouble finding an outfit that didn't make her look like a rich, city girl. It wasn't her fault, considering technically that was what she was, but she didn't want everyone to think that because she had money and was from the city that she was stuck up or snotty. She was a nice girl, and she wanted people to see her as such.

After spending almost an hour in her closet, she just decided to throw a couple items together to make an outfit. Once she was dressed, she quickly brushed her hair and clipped on a pair of diamond stud earrings.

"Bruce! Charlie!" Darcy exclaimed, before her little puppies ran into her bedroom.

Darcy grabbed the keys to her SUV and brought her puppies to the SUV. Once they were inside, she climbed into the driver seat and drove to the neighbor's house. She would've walked, but little Bruce would have trouble making it back after running around for hours with Charlie and Dodger.

"Come in, Chris is in the kitchen." Peggy commented, as she opened the front door.

"I brought a homemade cherry cheesecake. I hope you don't mind." Darcy said, and Peggy smiled.

"I don't mind. Chris'll be happy, he loves any type of homemade dessert that he can get." She replied, causing Darcy to smile in relief.

Peggy took the cheesecake from Darcy, deciding to keep it hidden from Chris until after supper, otherwise he'd eat it before supper and not feel hungry afterward.

Bruce and Charlie followed behind Darcy, but the moment they seen Dodger they left her side. Darcy smiled when she seen how well they interacted with the bigger dog.

"Chris, this is the new girl I was tellin' you about, Darcy Pierce." Peggy said, causing the dark blonde man to turn towards the other woman.

"Nice to meet ya, Darcy. I hope you're settlin' in well." He commented, shaking the girl's hand.

"Ya don't look like you're use to dressin' for this weather." Peggy said, causing Darcy to nod.

"Yeah, I'm trying to figure it out. I definitely won't look like everyone else around here." Darcy replied, making Peggy and Chris laugh.

"I'm gonna get started on supper, you two talk." Peggy said, as she walked over to her stove.

"So, how's the house treatin' ya?" Chris asked, causing the girl to sigh.

"It's nice, I definitely got what I paid for. I do need to get someone out there to put a gate on my porch. My puppies have a habit of going outside without me, and I want to get a gate to stop them from potentially being eaten by a big bird, wild animal, or getting hit by a car." She commented, and Chris nodded.

"I can install one for you. I built our front and back porches. You just gotta let me know when you have time for me to do it." He said, making her smile.

"Well, I work from home, so you can do it whenever you're free." She answered, and he smiled back.

"What do you do for work, Darcy?" Peggy asked, after placing some homemade biscuits in the oven.

"I own a small business that sells embroidered clothing and tote bags online." Darcy replied, hoping they understood what she was talking about.

"Ya gotta show us some of your stuff sometime. I might buy somethin'." Peggy commented, and Darcy nodded with a smile.

"Peggy sells eggs from our chicken coop, and I sell vegetables and fruit from our field." Chris said, motioning to the rather large field they had behind their house.

Each house had about half an acre, which meant plenty of room for planting and chickens. Darcy had somewhat lied to her niece when she said she didn't have room for a horse, truth be told, she just didn't know how to care for one. She'd have to learn before she purchased one.

"Every Thursday is our farmer's market, you can bring some of your products to sell if ya want. I bet some of the women would like new things, and maybe the children." Peggy commented, and Darcy nodded.

"I can do that." Darcy replied, making Peggy smile.

"People start showin' up at five, so you'll wanna have your booth ready by four thirty." Chris added, causing Darcy to wince slightly at the timing.

"Speakin' of events, this Saturday me, Chris, and some of our friends are hangin' out at the bar in town. We do it every two weeks, when we have the time. There's drinkin', mechanical bull ridin', dancin', and karaoke. You should come with us." Peggy said, and Chris nodded in agreement.

"It'll be fun, and we can introduce you to others in the town." Chris commented, causing Darcy to bite her lip.

"I don't think I have anything to wear, or at least, I'm not sure what I should wear." She replied, making Peggy chuckle.

"Don't worry, we'll come over an hour early to help ya get ready. You can leave your pups here, and Dodger will keep 'em outta trouble." Peggy answered, and Darcy nodded.

Soon, Peggy finished cooking, and she brought the food to the table. Chris handed out three plates, three forks, three knives, and three glasses with ice. Peggy set a pitcher of tea on the table, after all the food was settled. Darcy watched as Chris and Peggy began to serve themselves, so she followed their lead.

"Chris, Darcy brought a homemade cheery cheesecake for dessert, so make sure to leave some room." Peggy said, and Chris nodded.

"I'm definitely savin' room for some homemade cheesecake." He replied, causing Peggy and Darcy to chuckle.

Peggy had made country fried steak, pepper gravy, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, and sweet baby carrots. Darcy was in love with the food, and she really liked the sweet tea that was served with the food. She could definitely get use to eating country foods and drinking sweet tea, she was just going to have to have Peggy teach her how to cook like a southern woman...

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