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Darcy was done with the city life. She had grown up in a city since she was born, but she was moved to an even bigger city when she was only a couple of months old. Her dads moved her to a rather big city when she was only a couple of months old, since they needed to be closer to their place of work. She was happy in the big city, but after a while, she started wondering if the big city life was really for her. So, after she graduated high school, she began to plan her life out.

Rewind to when Darcy was a little girl. See, Darcy was born through a surrogate for her dads. She never met her birth mother, but that was the agreement, and she was happy with it. She loved her dads, Adam and Edgar, they were some of the nicest people in the world. Darcy was the youngest of their children though, so she was rather protected from the world around her.

Darcy had two older sisters and two older brothers. Her sister, Riley, was the oldest girl, and Tatum was the middle girl. Michael was the oldest of the five, and Jack was the youngest brother, but he was still older than Darcy and Riley. Michael was married to a woman named Lori, and they had a little girl named Emma. Jack had a daughter as well, her name was Hendrix, but he didn't have a girlfriend or wife. The girl who he had Hendrix with left and never wanted to see them again.

Anyhow, when Darcy turned sixteen, she began reading stories about girls that lived in small towns, and girls that married country boys. From what she could fathom, the country boys had a lot more manners and respect than boys that weren't from the country. Once she had graduated, the girl decided she was ready to go out on her own. She spent years saving up her own money to buy a nice place in a small town, and she researched as much as she could to find the perfect place to live.

Finally, at the age of twenty four, Darcy had saved up enough money for a nice little house in a small town in Texas. Radio, Texas didn't have that many occupants, but the town did have a few farms and a small suburb that had about ten houses close together. There were a couple diners, gas stations, bars, stores, and doctors offices, but nothing major. Radio was small, and everyone in the town was happy with its size.

"Darce, I don't know if I'm comfortable with you moving so far away from us." Tatum commented, causing Darcy to frown.

"I've been wanting to do this since I was sixteen. I've finally got everything I need to finally do it, and you're telling me I need to stay?" Darcy questioned, crossing her arms.

"No, but I want you close, just in case something happens. I mean, you're the baby, and we need to keep you safe." Tatum said, causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"I'm twenty four, Tate, I believe I can take care of myself. Besides, Dad made sure we all learned how to use a gun, so I can keep myself safe if absolutely necessary." Darcy replied, and Tatum simply nodded.

"Darcy!" The girl heard, causing her to scoff.

"You told him I was leaving!" She accused, causing Tatum to smile sheepishly.

"What are you thinking, moving to Texas?! We live in Washington for God's sake! That's almost a two day drive from here!" Jack exclaimed, as he walked into the living room.

"C'mon, Jack, you know I've been wanting to do this for years. Why are you trying to take away my dream?" Darcy asked, using her puppy eyes on Jack.

"Fine! But you're telling Dad and Pops. If they found out from anyone else, they'd explode." Jack replied, and Darcy simply nodded.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but d'you think you can drive me? I just want some help unpacking and stuff." Darcy commented, causing Jack to nod.

"You know I will." He answered, making her grin.

Telling her dads was a lot harder than she anticipated. Her Dad cried, but luckily Pops was able to calm him down. The two decided they'd go with to help her unpack and settle in, but she had a feeling it was to check out her new place. They wanted to make sure the house was perfect for their little girl, even if she wasn't so little anymore.

"You are my favorite, just don't tell the others." Her Dad said, as he hugged her tightly.

He had helped her finish packing the last of her things, so they had still been in her room when he told her that she was his favorite. She figured her Dad and Pops felt the same, but of course she never questioned it.

"Let's go! We want to miss traffic hour!" Pops exclaimed, as he and Jack grabbed their keys.

"I'm having your truck shipped out tomorrow." Her Dad said, and Darcy nodded.

"Jack is going to drive my SUV, but I've got money for you three to take a plane back, instead of cramming into the small cab of the U-Haul." Darcy commented, as she slipped her phone into her pocket.

"Finally, Auntie Darcy! Daddy and I been waiting forever!" Hendrix exclaimed, causing her aunt to laugh.

"You riding with us?" Darcy asked, and Hendrix nodded.

"Daddy said I can." She answered, making Darcy smile.

"I've got the plane tickets covered, don't worry about it." Dad said, patting Darcy's shoulder lovingly.

Darcy and Hendrix rode with Jack in Darcy's SUV, while the dads drove the U-Haul. Darcy was excited to finally be getting herself a home in a small town like she always wanted, but she was going to miss her home. She was going to miss always being with her family...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This will most likely be one of the only authors note I'm going to make. I wanted to let you guys know that Radio, Texas is a made up place-as far as I know-so please don't try and correct me on population or places in the town.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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