Chapter Thirty

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Last year, Darcy had dressed up as her favorite wrestler

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Last year, Darcy had dressed up as her favorite wrestler. She use to watch him when she was younger, and she was absolutely in love with him. He was her all-time favorite. He surpassed her other favorites; Jeff Hardy, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Lita, the Rock, and Hulk Hogan. Riley and Jack were the ones that helped her find everything she had needed for the costume, and she had absolutely loved it.

Anyhow, after she had gotten her "costume" on, she went straight back to Jeremy's to help Ava get ready. Ava wanted to be a butterfly, and Darcy bought everything she needed to be the perfect little butterfly. Darcy had even went as far as getting glitter to put in Ava's hair and a little on her face and body. Ava was more than excited for that.

"Like the costume, Darcy." Jeremy commented, chuckling slightly.

"Worked out last year," She replied,"and it'll work this year. I'm surprised it still fits." She joked, making him smirk with amusement.

Darcy went straight up to Ava's room, and helped her get her costume on correctly, before she grabbed all the accessories. Darcy first sprayed Ava with glitter on her arms and her black tights. She then fixed Ava's hair into a ponytail and sprayed it with glitter, before putting a headband with antennas on top of Ava's head. Once she was almost ready, Darcy had the girl sit down, so she could fix her makeup.

Obviously, with Ava being a little girl, Darcy didn't put much makeup on her. She put a little light pink eyeshadow, some glitter by her eyes and on her cheeks, as well as light pink lip gloss. As soon as Ava was ready, Darcy grabbed her trick-or-treating bag, before she brought the girl down to see her father.

"My little butterfly." Jeremy commented, pulling the girl into a hug.

"Stop! I'm wearin' glitter, Daddy!" Ava cried out, laughing as her father swung her around a bit, playfully.

"You ready t' go out trick-'r-treatin'?" Jeremy asked, and his daughter nodded excitedly. 

"Yeah," Ava answered,"Darcy said I'm gonna have a lot of candy." She said, making him smile.

"That's awesome!" He replied enthusiastically,"Jus' wait until ya get home t' eat it. Darcy and I gotta look through the candy t' make sure it's safe." He told her, and she nodded.

"I know." She murmured, giving him a cheeky smile.

"C'mon, time to go," Darcy commented,"the paper I got says the houses are passing out candy at seven, but the block party starts at six, and that's where some of the best candy could be found." She said, and Ava quickly hugged her father, before running over to Darcy.

"Take Bruce with ya!" Jeremy called out, as he and Charlie headed back out to work.

The medium sized bulldog followed behind the girls. He had a few more months of growing before he was full sized, but he was already up to Ava's head. Darcy had a feeling she got a bigger pitbull than she had anticipated. She was almost certain she had a Goliath pitbull, which was definitely a good guard dog.

"Bruce needs a costume, Darcy." Ava commented, making Darcy laugh.

"We have about thirty minutes until the block party starts, so we might be able to find him a costume before we got to be there." Darcy replied, and Ava grinned.

Darcy and Ava went into a store to find Bruce a costume. There really wasn't much to choose from, but the girls settled on a shark. It was one of the only ones big enough to fit him, and it wasn't girlie. There were plenty of ladybugs and unicorns, but there was only a shark or a hotdog that would fit Bruce that was for boys. Ava and Darcy both agreed that the hotdog costume looked terrible, and they didn't want Bruce wearing it.

Anyhow, once Bruce had his costume on, Darcy and Ava headed to the block party. Luckily, the girls got there right on time, and the gates had just opened by the time the two and Bruce made it to the front. Darcy held Ava's hand, as Bruce walked close beside them. Ava was shy, but she did recieve a good bit of candy. Darcy had even stopped and bought some treats for Ava, herself, and Bruce.

She had gotten Ava a hotdog, herself a cheeseburger, and Bruce two hotdogs. Bruce could eat quite a bit, since he was a big dog. Once they had gotten candy, food, a few pictures, and a few other goodies, it was time to go to the houses. Ava was excited to go to the houses, even though there wasn't but maybe fifteen houses.

Darcy dumped Ava's candy into a big bag, letting her carry her empty bag around so it wouldn't get too heavy. The two girls and Bruce walked from house to house, and collected quite a bit of candy. A few people had even complimented Ava's costume, as well as Bruce's. Darcy had even been shocked when an older couple had a bowl of dog treats, and they gave Bruce three of them.

"This was fun!" Ava exclaimed, as Darcy placed the candy bag in the front seat.

"Once Daddy and I go through the candy, you can have some before dinner." Darcy commented, making Ava squeal excitedly.

It was barely half past six, so it wasn't too late for dinner. Darcy decided to pick up pizzas for dinner though, since she didn't feel like cooking. Once she and Ava arrived back at Jeremy's, he collected his ranch hands and they all ate some pizza. He let them go home early, before he and Darcy began to go through Ava's candy to make sure it was all safe to eat.

It might have been a bit of a superstition at this point, but years ago people really did try to poison and hurt children with candy, so nobody wanted to take any chances. Jeremy and Darcy were very careful with things like that, and they were glad they had both agreed on such things. Once they had finished, Ava got to eat quite a few pieces. It was Halloween, so there really wasn't any harm in it, especially since the next day was a weekend...

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