7. Just think of him as your sugar daddy

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The doc assessed the situation and decided to present her patient with the facts.

"Does your body react to his pheromones every time you are in the same space?"


"Did this also happen with other alphas?"

"No" Nakul simply replied.

"Hmmmm. Considering the fact that you are recessive. In fact so recessive that you can pass off as a beta. And now that you are abnormally reacting to one specific alpha, the most likely probability seems to be that.....yes. He IS your mate." Naina cleared up the facts despite Nakul not liking them.

"Tsk" Nakul exclaimed. Now he was even more angry. What will happen to him now? Will I be living life the way he wants? Doing only the things that HE says yes to? Living like a locked up animal? Being used as a sex toy and a breeding machine by him? What's worse is that he's a powerful gangster. I cannot even escape him. What should I do? Nakul imagined only the worst things possible.

Naina picked up on Nakul's hesitation. And that made her ask, "Is he.....not a good person?" She wanted to confirm if what Nakul was afraid of was being mistreated and mal-handled.

And that question made Nakul remember Dhiraj's warm touch. His soft kiss, his endearing voice filled with...sincerity, his pheromones that put Nakul at ease as well as made his body heat up at the same moment. He knew deep down what the answer was. But he was afraid to admit it. What if all of that is just an act? People change all the time.

Naina's voice brought Nakul back to reality. "Is he.....not good?"

Nakul gave up contemplating. "I don't know." He rubbed his eyes and then his face.

Maybe I should decide that on my own. Naina concluded. She picked up her office landline and called the reception desk. "Send in Mr. Rajat. The person who accompanied Nakul."

Naina's call confused Nakul.

Rajat soon arrived and Naina immediately ordered him. "Can you please call Mr Raghuvanshi here?" She pressed a polite smile. A smile that indicated, bring him here. NOW.

* * *

"Am I late?" Dhiraj swings open Dr. Naina's cabin door. With forehead covered in sweat, he was panting heavily. It was evident that he nearly came running there. That's a good sign. Naina concluded.

"No. That's fine Mr Raghuvanshi. Sorry to call you on such a short notice."

"Not a problem. Initially I planned to come with Nakul but......"Dhiraj shot a See-I-should've-come-with-him-here look at Rajat. Rajat knew that look and immediately turned in another direction. Naina noticed that small interaction. An over-enthusiast? Nania continued with her assessment of the alpha.

"That is fine. What matters is you are here. Have a seat Mr Raghuvanshi." Naina pointed to a seat beside Nakul.

Dhiraj gave a quick glance to Nakul as if waiting for his approval. Nakul looked at the other side. The mut's ears drooped at that sight but sat on the chair nevertheless.

He's like a big dog waiting for his master's signal. Naina smiled at that thought.

"Is everything fine doctor? I mean, is Nakul's health alright?" Dhiraj asked.

"Yeah. It is. He IS showing signs of weakness and some.....depression. But that might be due to the sudden changes in your lives..."Naina explained. "I called you to ask you about your pheromone stability. So you believe Nakul's your mate?"

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