6. I'll do anything to make you smile

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In just a matter of days, Nakul's life had taken a 180 degree turn.

Life felt meaningless. He could no longer go to the ring. Plus he was basically on a house arrest because his "mate" feared he would take the worst step.

Who cares if I die? Was the only thought running in his mind.

But Dhiraj did.

The leader of a notorious underground gang, the owner of the huge construction empire, the dominant alpha, had gotten down on his knees to beg him not to leave.

Nakul found that sight rather amusing. After destroying my life, here you are, behaving as if you are doing this for me.

He could've just ignored Dhiraj's request. He could've just ran away from Diraj's fortress. But something didn't let him move his feet. Maybe it was the sight of a dominant alpha, a man of Dhiraj's caliber was bowing down his head and begging Nakul not to leave.

So Nakul stayed. He didn't exactly understand why he did that either. All he knew was, there was no other place he could go to. WHat difference would it make if he was to go somewhere else? So Nakul lived in Dhiraj's house for the time being. And it put Dhiraj's mind at ease. His mate would at least be in front of his eyes.

This could be a chance to win him over. Dhiraj planned. I'll do everything to make him happy and.......accept my love. And so the plan began. He went up every morning to Nakul's room to check up on him, but Nakul never responded back. It didn't stop Dhiraj from going up to his room. He knocked, said a hi, asked him how he was doing, but only a cold silence would greet him. It sank Dhiraj's heart. But he kept a watchful eye on his mate.

More time passed by and things only got worse. Dhiraj was at least able to see Nakul earlier, but after a week, Nakul stopped coming out of his room. The very few times he got to see his mate, he saw a Nakul devoid of life. His eyes looked droopy and wild stubble had grown on his face.

Dhiraj let things go initially. He thought, over a period of time things will get back to normal. But soon the reports he got from the housekeepers, told him that Nakul's food intake had gone down too. Panic slowly set in, in Dhiraj's mind. Things were getting too out of hand. His plan wasn't working and on top of that Nakul's health was deteriorating. Fuck! Nothing is working out. It was time. He MUST talk to Nakul now.

So with those thoughts in his mind, on a cold night, Dhiraj knocked on Nakul's door.

~no reply

He wasn't sure if Nakul was even awake. But he decided to enter his room. The room was engulfed in darkness, but Dhiraj could sense those minty pheromones mixed in the room's atmosphere. His body started getting warmer. He saw Nakul laying on the bed, covering himself from head to toe with a blanket. A thought entered in Dhiraj's mind. What if he feels stuffy in that thick blanket?

Dhiraj's body moved unconsciously at that thought as he soon neared his mate. He felt the pheromones getting stronger. With light steps he moved towards Nakul and slowly removed the blanket from over his face and placed it a bit below his neck. And soon his eyes got busy observing his mate's face. It had been so long since he got to take a proper look at Nakul. Every time he saw his mate, his eyes averted as they were filled with guilt. But the temptation to seek his mate's presence never had left his mind.

And now that he finally got a chance to do that, his heart sank. Nakul looked.....miserable. Overgrown hair, dull skin, dark circle around his eyes, unkempt beard. Dhiraj's heart broke. Why do they have to go through this? He felt as if they were caught in a quicksand and the harder he tried to move, the more he was being swallowed by darkness. He felt so miserable that he couldn't keep his thoughts to himself any more.

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