3. I hope we never meet again

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"Rocky is his alias. His actual name is Nakul Shrivastav." Rajat was reporting the info his employer had asked for. Obtaining it wasn't that easy. But he was a man who got his job done no matter what.

Dhiraj too was keenly listening to it. His rut lasted for nearly 4 days. And it was one of the worst rut's he had experienced. The pheromones of alpha's mate had the same effect on the alphas as a drug would. Taking suppressants was of no use. And throughout his rut Dhiraj only had one thought in his mind: I NEED MY MATE.

"23 years old, he's a recessive omega. He lied that he's a beta in order to get into the ring for fights." Rajat continued his report.

"He's from a family of orthodox intellects who are mostly either doctors, lawyers or civil servants. So growing up Nakul too had only 3 options to pursue. But sadly he wasn't that bright enough in his studies. He did have an exceptional talent for professional fighting. He won several competitions of taekwondo in his junior high and had a promising career ahead as a professional athlete. His talent for taekwondo was always frowned upon by his elders. Often calling him a disgrace to the family. But....." Rajat paused.

That pause made Dhiraj sit on the edge of his seat. His wrist tightened.

Only seconds later, Rajat continued, "But it was his assessment as an omega that was the final nail in the coffin. When his family found out he had omega traits, they shunned him. And as soon as he turned 18, they removed him from their family registry."

These fuckers. Dhiraj's blood boiled the more he heard about Nakul's family. How could they do that to their own child? At that very moment he wanted to go and beat the shit out of Nakul's family, but he decided there were some other things that should be his priority first. He focused his attention on Rajat.

"Things got worse afterwards. Since no one actively supports omegas in the sports field, he couldn't pursue taekwondo anymore. And him being kicked out by his family made him shift his focus on day-to-day survival. He tried some odd jobs for a year or two but he was caught with an ammature drug-dealing gang. He was sentenced to 2 years of jail."

Why did he have to go through all of this? Dhiraj was at a loss for words. He wasn't able to comprehend the change in the life trajectory of such a promising kid. He knew better than anyone else what life in the gangs meant. But he was born into his environment. He HAD to accept the responsibilities of heading the gang. But that wasn't the case for Nakul. Why did he have to suffer so much?

"Although on terms of good behavior he got out of jail 6 months earlier. Having nowhere to go, he went to his taekwondo coach to ask for help. The coach considers Nakul as his son. So he appointed him as an instructor for kids."

"But how did he come to fighting in the ring?" Dhiraj asked curiously.

"No idea why he started fighting in the ring. But he has been doing so for a year now." Rajat ended his report.

"Is it for money? I....."don't want to see him this way. Dhiraj's heart ached for his mate. All of this was so odd for him. He hadn't even met Nakul properly, but he could feel an overwhelming urge of wanting to see Nakul happy. And safe. And relaxed. He didn't understand why his heart broke at the thought of imagining Nakul living on the streets on a cold winter night. All by himself. Alone.

It's just.....unbearable. Was it because Dhiraj could understand how hard it is to survive on the streets with no one beside you? Was it because Nakul was his mate? Was it because......he had fallen for him?

A flush of red flew across Dhiraj's cheeks. He covered the lower half of his face in an attempt to hide it. Maybe because he was embarrassed at his own thoughts. Thoughts that he might have fallen hard for his mate.

You in my World (Alpha x Omega)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon