grimorie and book of spells

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What is the difference?

they are practically the same thing.
But, from my own personal experience and studies they are easily distinguishable. Witches have books that contain their spells, mixtures, rituals, and all sorts of information for their craft. The only difference is the personal connection. A grimoire is general knowledge - a book holding information that all witches can use, that can be passed down and used by any witch. A book of shadows however is a shadow of its owner - detailing its owner's personal path, beliefs, spells, and rituals not to be shared with anyone unless she consents to it.
I like how they put it, basically what I gathered from experience


Ideas for Diy book
(section made by me)

Ideas on where to get a notebook(for a basic book that can be customized): dollar stores, Walmart, craft stores, and 5 below or can make own book with recycle material.

Ideas for cover: crochet sleeve, paint on, draw on, stickers

Where to find inspo: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, movies/tv shows, hobbies, type of themes(ex: cottage core, Renaissance, fantasy, DND)



Basic info:

-grounding, banishing, cleansing,

-types of spells(sigils, rituals, spell jars)

-tools and alters

-types of whitches (herbal witch, lunar witch, solar witch)

-types of magic

-types of spells

-the history of witchcraft


-times of the day, the week, and months of the year

-wheel of the year(what they are and how to celebrate)


-the 4 elements

-water(moon water, sun water, rain, and how to make and collect)

-herbs, essential oils and incense(what they mean and how they are used)

-crystals (what they mean, how to use them, how to cleanse, and how to charge)

-salts(different types and how to use them)


-moon phases

-full moons

-planet correspondences

-zodiac correspondences



-tarot cards

-runes and sigils





-other useful sources (books, websites, videos)

-basic witch supplies


youtube videos

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