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A couple of days later, Wednesday and Tana pack up to go back to New Jersey. Bianca, Yoko, and Divina left early in the morning, with Enid driving them back to the airport while Tana and Wednesday slept in. The girls all said their goodbyes the night before. When Enid gets back to her house at 8 AM, she finds Tana awake and sitting on the futon in the loft by herself.

"Oh, hey!" Enid smiles. She wasn't expecting the girl to be up for a while. She was just going to go back to her bed and watch TikToks on her phone.

"Hi," Tana yawns.

"I wasn't expecting you to be up for a while," The werewolf sits down on the bean bag chair. Tana frowns slightly.

"Me either. I, uh... I had a nightmare," She admits. She picks at the skin around her nails, looking down.

"About what?" Enid asks softly.

"... Crackstone..."

"He's gone, Tana. Dead or banished or whatever you and Wednesday did to him," Enid stands up to sit next to her friend, "He can't hurt you or anyone else."

Tana stifles a sniffle, "But Tyler?"

"He's locked up," Enid replies. The last they knew of him, he was being sent away, but they weren't told where, "He can't hurt you, Tana. Wednesday definitely wouldn't let him."

"I just... I keep seeing it happen, over and over in my head," Tana begins to cry, "I see her die. Right after she pulled the arrow out of me before I lost consciousness. I see him strike her and she turns. She looks at me... she looks... she looks at me like I'm the last good thing in the world."

"Because you are good, Tana. You saved Wednesday. You saved me. You saved us," Enid wraps her arm around the girl. Wednesday opens the door to the guest room to spot her girlfriend crying in Enid's arms.

"Tana?" Wednesday's tone is soft. Panic sets in and she wonders if she's done something to upset the redhead. Enid motions for Wednesday to sit on the other side of Tana with her head. The Addams girl follows the nonverbal instruction. Wednesday sits down and immediately takes Tana's hands into her own, knowing the girl is making her fingertips bleed.

"Tana... she... she had a nightmare," Enid explains because Tana couldn't say it herself. She's embarrassed. Embarrassed to still be having nightmares about Crackstone, even though everyone else is okay. Enid stands up, "I'll let you be alone for a while. Come find me for breakfast whenever you're ready, okay?"

"Yes," Wednesday answers. Enid begins to walk to the stairs, "Enid?" The werewolf turns, "Thank you."

Enid smiles and nods before retreating downstairs to give the girls privacy. Wednesday doesn't say anything. She just holds both of Tana's hands and listens to the soft hiccups of Tana's crying.

"I'm... I'm sorry, W-Wednesday," She cries.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," Wednesday states. Tana finally looks up with puffy cheeks and watery eyes. The Addams girl suddenly feels a pain in her chest, a paralyzing one, but she calms herself so she doesn't worry Tana.

"I... I keep seeing you die... In my nightmares... And I can't stop them," The redhead explains. Wednesday sighs with relief that she hasn't done anything to upset Tana.

"I am alive, Tana. I am alive and I am not going anywhere," She replies, "I would use witchcraft to live forever if needed."

Tana chuckles at this and wipes her tears away.

"What can I do to help alleviate the anxiety? My mother knows of all treatments that may be of use," Wednesday suggests. Tana shakes her head.

"I don't need medication. I just... I like it when you reassure me that everything is okay," Tana meekly replies. She looks down to avoid Wednesday's gaze. She worries that Wednesday will be annoyed with her and skeptical of the method.

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