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Mayor Walker was murdered, dying in the hospital and today is his funeral. Locals and students from Nevermore attend his funeral in the rain. Wednesday stands in the back with Tana next to her. She hasn't told Tana about the photos from the jewelry box yet, but she figures the killer is attending the funeral. The same person who's been meddling with her investigation.

Lucas and his mom stand up, walking away as the ceremony ends. Ajax wraps his arm around Enid as people begin to leave.

"Come on," Tana quietly says to the girl. Wednesday turns her head, looking past the redhead and seeing something lurking in the distance. The figure disappears into the woods. Wednesday takes off, "Wednesday."

Tana runs after her and nobody seems to notice the two. Wednesday follows the figure deep into the woods but loses sight of them.

"What's wrong? Did you see the monster?" Tana asks when she catches up with the Addams girl.

"Shh," she orders. She turns in circles, looking for something, or someone. A person drops down from above. Wednesday takes a long sword out from her umbrella and goes to stab the person. Although they catch it with their hands and electricity runs through the metal, causing Wednesday to drop the sword.

"Still as sharp as ever, my pig-tailed protégé," a familiar voice says.

"Uncle Fester," she smiles. The man takes his bowler hat off and laughs. Tana looks over to Wednesday, a little on edge, "Tana, this is my Uncle Fester. This is m-my friend, Tana."

"Nice to meet you," he sticks his hand out to shake hers. She unknowingly reaches out before Wednesday stops her. She knows that he will use his powers to generate electricity to shock her.

"Not on her," she warns through gritted teeth. He pulls his hand back and nods, "Let's go."

The three begin to walk back towards Nevermore.

"How long have you been stalking me?" Wednesday asks. She stands in between her uncle and friend.

"Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia," he explains.

"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore," she asks.

"I didn't. Your dad got all the brains," Fester answers, "But I used to drop in on him. Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth. Just to keep him on his toes."

"Of course," the Addams girl nods.

"He filled me in on what's been going on," he continues, "monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun! I told him I had a job in Boston, but I'd be checking up on you."

"What kind of job?"

"The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple days," he replies, meaning he needs her to hide him.

"You're lucky you are one of the family members I can tolerate," she grins. He smiles and they continue on their way to Nevermore. They stop at the shed, "This place belongs to a friend."

"You've actually made friends," Fester comments in disbelief, "that poor kid will be going home in a body bag."

Tana and Wednesday both look away at his joke. They know that he doesn't know about Eugene. He looks over at the bee boxes.

"I like a hideout that comes with snacks," he comments looking at a box with the sign 'Sleeping bees! Do not Disturb!'

"Those bees are hibernating," Wednesday states, "they're practically Eugene's children."

He opens the lid, "ooh."

"That means do not eat them!" she scolds. He turns back to find her glaring. He disappointedly puts the bee back.

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