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"Yeah, I know Inez is usually three sheets to the wind, but she keeps calling the mayor and she's BS-ing that there's lights on at the old Gates place. So do a drive-by and make sure there's no squatters," Sheriff Galpin talks on the phone as Wednesday walks into his office. He hangs up the call. She slams the two bags down on the desk.

"That's the claw of the monster and that's a dried blood sample from a potential suspect," she explains, "he used it to dab scratches on his neck. Run the DNA test and see if they match."

"I'm sorry, do I work for you?" he answers sarcastically.

"You asked for concrete evidence. That's it."

"Where'd you get this?" the sheriff asks, picking up the bag with the claw in it, "and who's the suspect?

"Run the test first, then I'll explain everything," she negotiates.

He shakes his finger at her, "I'm not playing games, Addams."

"Neither am I, Sheriff."

He pauses before picking up the phone to page the receptionist, "Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please. Is that all?"

"What has Tana Adler done?" Wednesday questions. The Sheriff's eyes go wide.

"What do you want with her?"

The Addams girl falls silent, "Just curious. She seems afraid of you."

"Well, she should be. She's lucky she wasn't sent to a juvenile detention center for arson," he comments.

"Why wasn't she?"

"Go ask the Mayor or your principal," he scoffs, "they're the ones who 'serve' justice between Jericho and Nevermore."

Wednesday leaves the Sheriff's office with more questions about Tana. Rowan was expelled immediately after the incident, but yet Tana wasn't. Although she does highlight a key difference between the two situations, the main factor has to do with a monster in the woods.


"Why so glum?" Wednesday asks Eugene in the quad.

"Saw Enid at lunch. Asked if she got my honey," he explains.

"It's not like I didn't warn you," the girl says quietly.

"Wednesday," Tana comes up to the two. The Addams girl merely looks at the redhead.

"You know, I figured since we all don't have dates to the dance——"

"We should go together!" Eugene suggests with a smile. Tana's hair sparks a little, but Wednesday doesn't realize it's from jealousy and not excitement.

"What? No, I was going to suggest we stake out the cave and identify the monster," she says. She looks over at Xavier who works on a mural in the quad, "whoever it may be."

Wednesday, Tana and Eugene walk out of the quad. Meanwhile, Thing writes a note at Wednesday's typewriter. He scurries off to Rosaline Hall and leaves it under the door of a familiar redhead.

Just as Wednesday is getting ready to leave to go to the cave with Eugene, there's a knock on her door.

"I'm coming, Eugene!" she shouts, "Hey, did you happen to grab any extra batteries for the flash——"

She opens the door, but Eugene is not behind the door.


"I... I got your invite," she holds up the note. She stands in an all-white dress and long white gloves that run up her forearms, "I... I mean, you don't have to take me to the Rave'N cause I've never been asked I just——"

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