When the hybrid finally finished, Henrik sat there silently. He took everything in. Elijah had told him a little bit; he knew they were dangerous... and powerful. But this... this was a lot.

"I want to be alone."

With no hesitation, Klaus stood. He nodded to his little brother and sped out of his room. He didn't wish to make the same mistake he did with Rebekah and Elijah. When he uncovered all of his secrets to them, he told them how to feel. He would not do that with Henrik. He would not force him away as he did with the rest of his siblings.

Noting the boundary spell around the house, Klaus decided to go and find the one Bennett witch who he wanted to kill even moreso than Bonnie.


The Salvatore Boarding House

"So, Bonnie's alive?" Stefan asked, finally. The entire room had been sitting in silence ever since she saw Bonnie and her psychopath cousin stop at a gas station before heading out of Mystic Falls. They were opposed to following until they knew they could get Bonnie alone.

"Yes," Caroline said simply. "I'm sure I could talk to her. Damon is her friend, and she'll want to bring him back."

"And if she just doesn't," Jeremy questioned. "We all know Damon's a dick–"

Stefan's eyes flashed at Elena's little brother. "Damon is dead," Stefan clarified. "Asshole or not, he wasn't supposed to die like this... Bonnie is going to bring him back. The only question is who's going to make her."

Elena leaned back on the couch. "Or let me talk to her."

"Absolutely not, Elena," Caroline disagreed immediately. "What if we get that girl... the friend... to bring him back?"

This time, Elena disagreed. "That's impossible. If what she said was true, she's married to Kol. Do we really want to mess with yet another Mikaelson?"

"Do we really want to mess with another Bennett witch?" Jeremy countered. "Let's be real. The Bennetts started this mess, not the Mikaelsons. We took them down once; we can do it again."

Caroline shook her head. "News flash, we took them down with Bonnie's help. None of us are capable of killing an original all on our own."

Elena rolled her eyes. "You're not capable of killing an original. Jeremy and I took down Kol with it just being the two of us, remember?"

"We need the best outcomes at our disposal," Stefan stated, chugging another glass of Bourbon. "Caroline, you're on Bonnie duty. Find out where she went and try to get her alone. Elena, Jeremy, and I will go after Elyza."

"And Tyler?"

"Tyler hates Damon," Caroline answered. "I'm better off alone. Bonnie won't hurt me."

Caroline picked her bag up and tossed it over her shoulder before pulling out her keys. She knew she could just run there, but when Bonnie returned with her, they would both need a way back.

Jeremy grabbed his bag too. His, however, was filled with weapons, unlike Care's. He wasn't here when they were all attacked, but he'd be damned if he let anything happen to his sister on his watch. "How do we even know where to go?"

"Do you remember the party at Rebekah's house?" Elena questioned. "That's the Mikaelson Mansion. Surely, if the Mikaelsons are still here, they'd be residing there."

"Go ahead, Stefan," Elena started. "Jeremy and I will be right behind you." Stefan took off, not wasting another second of time he could have his brother back.

"Stay behind me, Jer."

He didn't answer her, but he did reach out and slid his arm into hers. Faster than the speed of light, once again, they were off.

The group appeared a couple of blocks away from the Mikaelson Mansion. There was no point in making their presence known until they actually needed to. This mission would be hard enough as it is without the additional fear of the Mikaelsons discovering them before they were even close.

However, when Elena and Stefan used their heightened senses to determine how many people were in the house, it came up empty.

Except for one lonely heartbeat.

"I can feel magic," Jeremy mumbled. "Whoever is in there is powerful."

"It must be her," Elena confirmed. "We should go before any of them get back."

Stefan nodded and sped as far as he could until he had to stop. Something was physically stopping him from entering. It was almost like he wasn't invited in, but outside?

"A boundary spell," Jeremy said simply. "Bonnie used to talk about them all the time. Only-" However, before he finished his sentence, he was walking past the boundary. "Humans can enter."

"Go, Jeremy," Stefan demanded.

"Wait, no!" Elena exclaimed. "How is he going to take on a witch that powerful?"

"Right," The hunter agreed. "Going in there by myself is suicide."

Stefan groaned. "Did Bonnie mention any way to take down a boundary spell without a witch?"

Jeremy got ready to shake his head no when it clicked. "Blood of another powerful being...like a doppelgänger."

Elena bit into the palm of her hand and let the blood drip loosely on the outside of the invisible line that was stopping Stefan and herself from entering. All of a sudden, she could feel it lift. She didn't take the time to be impressed, though. She sped in after Stefan after grabbing her brother's arm and hoisting him inside.

The house was freshly furnished. The soft grey paint that covered the wall looked as if it had been applied today. As they wandered around the house, searching for the witch, they passed a ton of objects men wouldn't just have lying around. They found pink blankets, sweaters, and even flip flops that obviously didn't belong to Klaus or Elijah.

"Hey," Jeremey whispered. He lifted a jacket that looked too small for even him. "The Mikaelsons have a child living here?"

However, as Stefan was about to voice the answer to that question, Jeremy flew against the brick wall, his back crashing against the floor as he fell. "Shit!"

Elena glanced at Stefan as they both prepared themselves to attack. Stefan's eyes darkened as Elena watched and prepared for their attacker. Henrik raised his hands, inflicting a headache upon them both. An almost unfazed Stefan rose from his previously kneeling position and launched himself at the boy.

Henrik gasped as he felt a hand wrap around his throat. He brought his hand up once more, a stronger aneurysm spell slipping through his fingers. Stefan collapsed, holding his head in agony. Elena took a breath of relief when she felt her headache cease, and just like Stefan, she attacked.

Henrik used his magic to throw her against the wall, but as he did, he felt another firm hand on his shoulder. With a little pressure, he had no choice but to close his eyes as he fell into darkness.


whew, Jesus!

first of all, hi, how are you? doing good? that's good? me? i'm about to find the nearest large building a launch myself off of it.

school's kicking my ass

but anywhoooo,

henrik got kidnapped! by the scooby doo gang no less. damon's still dead. elyza and mina aren't exactly happy with each other?

and klaus knows mina??? juicy stuff, juicy stuff.

i'll see you guys in a couple days with chapter 13- stayed tuned!


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