Chapter 21 - Lose One, Lose Them All

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As night fell, the scare competition was soon to begin.

Lucifer: You feeling ok Midoriya?

Midoriya: N-n-not really. Scares arent really my thing.

Lucifer: Well that's ok, don't worry, nothing scares me... Well that's not true a few things to but I doubt we'll encounter those here.

The two had begun chatting like old friends, mostly to ease Midoriya's nerves. Lucifer was glad that he was opening up, since Hosu the two hadn't really held a decent conversation. As they progressed the occasional spook seemed to distract their topic but they quickly fell back into it as the evening progressed.
Soon, just about half way through, the two stopped, noticing something wrong with the course.

Lucifer: Hm. Something... Smells funny...

Midoriya: Huh, your right. Oh no...

A pink smog began to infiltrate the air and soon the two boys were coughing for fresh air.

Midoriya: Quick! Get back to camp! Warn the others! Ive gotta make sure someone's ok!

Lucifer: No! Let me help you!

Midoriya: No! Just get out of here! Now!!

Lucifer groaned as Midoriya disappeared into the forest. Running back he cut through the forest trying to take a shorter route, only to find himself perched atop of a small hill, above the smog.

Lucifer: Where... Am I...

A boot hit the ground and there stood a man, ironclad, in a beige uniform and cap. A nametag glistened in the moonlight.

Vogel: Herr Stones.

Lucifer: Who are you?! What do you want!

Vogel: Why I am here for you of course. A friend of ours would like to see you returned.

Lucifer: I don't know you or your "friend". Now let me go on before I...

Vogel: Shame, you left your brush behind, but it will not help you here. It is too late, by this point we will have our targets and the efforts will be worthless. So please, give me your best shot.

Lucifer: I'll try too.

Lucifer charged forward and threw a right hook, knocking him in his jaw, only to get grabbed and his arm twisted around.

Lucifer: Gah!

Vogel: You people are all the same, always trying to be a hero.

Lucifer tried to break the grip but it was no good. Vogel knocked him in the head, making his vision blurry and his head began streaming blood.

Vogel: Walk, now.

Lucifer did so, hoping that he could break for it. His head was throbbing, blood just streamed and got in his left eye as be kept trying to see his surroundings, nothing but trees and hills. That was, until he noticed the flames from around the camp and could hear several voices. And yet, Vogel kept walking and promptly ignored them.

Eventually they arrived at a small group who eyed Lucifer suspiciously.

Vogel: I've kept my side of the bargain, so now I get to keep the boy.

Dabi: I don't really care. Do what you want.

Lucifer: Who the hell are you patchwork.

Dabi: Watch your fucking mouth, or I'll promptly end it.

Lucifer: Ooh, fiesty, most people like that.

Twice: Woah, that pretty out there kiddo! I wouldn't say that to a person!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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