Chapter 14 - Anything Goes

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The Four boys soon arrived at Class 1-A's Door.

Todoroki: Remember we know nothing about the incident last night. If someone comments on our appearance we say it was late night training after we returned to the Train Station.

Midoriya: Will they really believe that?...

Lucifer: They will if you do.

Midoriya: But... Im not good with lying...

Lucifer: Then me and Todoroki will cover you. Iida can too if he wants, but right now is not the time to get cold feet.

Todoroki pulls the door open and walks in bravely, Lucifer follows with Iida and Midoriya behind.

Mina: Holy cow! What happened to you guys!

Lucifer: It's nothing, just training that went a bit harder than we thought.

Momo had been in a book at the time and when she looked up she gasped and dove towards Lucifer cupping his face.

Momo: What happened to you?! You have all this knicks on your face. And bruises on your neck and hands!

Lucifer was immediately caught off guard and felt his heart twinge, last thing he wanted to do was lie but he knew he was gonna have to.

Midoriya: He just got it pretty hard at the training. At least that's what he told us.

Lucifer turned, his face still in Momo's hands, he was shocked that Midoriya had plucked up courage.

Lucifer: Uh, yes, it was very.... Rigorous work. I couldn't help get a little injured.

He groaned trying not to touch his knife wound on his back.

Momo: Oh, you boys and your rough and tumble behaviours! Come here, I'll patch you up best I can.

Momo quickly sat Lucifer down and started making first aid items. As she tipped his hat back it fell to ground revealing his tattered blonde hair.

Ururaka: Woah! Your hairs all messed up too! Here, I'll brush it out while Yaomomo gets you fixed!

Lucifer: Really there's no need for all- OWW.

Ururaka: Sorry... Knots and tangles in the hair.

Lucifer sighed as the two fussed around him like their were his parents.

Kaminari: Speaking of hair, look at Bakugo's! Best Jeanist really helped you out there!

Bakugo: Shut your damn mouth!

Kirishima: I'm all for new styles and what not but I don't think this is the way about it man.

Sero: Dude's hopping onto Best Jeanist's trend!


Momo sighed as her and Ururaka chatted about the internships and Lucifer's state.

Momo: I'll never understand the vulgarity you put yourself through.

Lucifer: Im like a bad penny, I turn up everywhere, even in vulgarity-like situations.

Momo: Vulgar-like is the word you're looking for sweetheart.

Lucifer squirmed as she giggled at the blush forming on his face.

Midoriya and Todoroki were soon chatting with Hakagure and Shoji about there "training" that left them with the marks they had while Iida was his normal orderly self to some other students.

It wasn't until Aizawa arrived that everything went to its regular schedule.

Mr. Aizawa: If the doctors visit and hair salon is finished, I suggest you return to your desk Mr. Avos and your seat Ms. Ururaka.

With A Heart of Ruby (Momo X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang