Chapter 8 - "Magician" For Sports

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(Trying a new style of writing so instead of making it lengthy convos with "person said" it'll be more like this style going forward)

It had been a pleasure to have school off for one day and have the weekend extended but being back in UA couldn't help but lift most peoples spirits.

Jiro: Ok look, you said you were gonna explain later, and later is now, so spill. What's with the black stuff.

Jiro stands in front of Lucifer's desk demanding an answer.

Lucifer: Well, from what I've learned, when my parts were added to my human sides the person who did it... Infused the metal with a creature called "The Blot". A creature made from Paint and Thinner, it wants to control me and use my body as a vessel. But it can't due to it being stuck with in my hardware.

The only time it can actually gain some form of "sentience" is if I use a lot of Thinner without a break. It takes a lot for it to happen, USJ was the first time it happened since... Since... I... Can't remember...

Momo: So it's like Tokoyami's Black Shadow, but aggressive and deadly..."

Lucifer: I suppose so. I haven't seen anything come up since USJ. So I think it's reset. I shouldn't have to worry for now.

Hakagure: Such a bundle of surprises. You surprise people more than me! And that's saying something being invisible and all.

Suddenly the door slides open and Mr. Aizawa, bandaged to the teeth, stumbles in.

Lucifer: Sir, you look a little worse for wear, shouldn't you be resting?

Mr. Aizawa: My well being is no concern to you Mr. Avos, take your seat.

Lucifer: Well... Yes sir.

Mr. Aizawa: Now, your fight is far from over.

Everyone gives a gasp of shock, given how bad U.S.J was, goodness knows what could be next.

Jiro: Is that really a smart idea? To have an event right after the U.S.J incident?

Mr. Aizawa: Yes it is, it'll show villains and the ones who attacked that we aren't fazed by them. Now prepare yourselves, this will help you get scouted by agencies and Pro Hero's. Now, you're dismissed.

Momo: Sports festivals are hard work, I remember seeing one once or twice when I was younger.

Lucifer: Never heard of them til today. However it seems like fun! What's the worst that could happen!

Little did Lucifer know, he would put through the wringer. While training and preparing for the event lasted a week, Lucifer and his parents made sure to take every opportunity to get all the training needed. Soon the big day came.

Walking through a long tunnel and into an open center, Class A is in its own group with Class B, Business and Support in thier owns as well. Midnight, said Bakugo would be representing Class 1-A, boos and vulgar noises greeted this as he made his statement of "how he'd win and everyone needs to watch out"

Lucifer sighed heavily, knowing that Bakugo's angst would get him into more trouble down the line.

Lucifer: An obstacle course? Sounds easy enough!

Without warning the chase begins! With a spring and a roar, Lucifer kicks off and dives ahead towards the field, Momo, Bakugo and Todoroki close behind.

It isn't until a large metallic leg clatters down in front of Lucifer and he runs into it. Looking up snd seeing one of the entrance exam robots.

Lucifer: WOAH! Easy... There... I'm not gonna... Shit!!

With A Heart of Ruby (Momo X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें