Chapter 11 - What's In A Name?

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???: Lucifer! Lucifer! Hey! Come on you're going to be late!

Lucifer awakes to hear shouting then feels a pebble hit his forehead.

Lucifer: I'M AWAKE!

Lucifer shouts as he topples backwards over his chair. He jumps up, Brush drawn only to find Momo and Kirishima standing below at the gate to his front lawn. Momo giggles and holds up a bag and a coffee cup.

Lucifer: Ah.... Just a sec.

Lucifer quickly gets himself dressed in the school outfit, however very haphazardly. He grabs an old hat and his satchel and walks out the door.

Kirishima: What on earth were you doing up there?

Lucifer: Honestly, stargazing, must've fallen asleep though.

Momo: Well here, a coffee for you and some cakes from home.

Lucifer gladly grabs the coffee and takes a swig, feeling his human side start to awaken properly.

Lucifer: Wait... You remembered my favourite flavour.

Momo: Caramel, with 2 sugars and a splash of vanilla.

Lucifer: Just the way I like it.

Momo: I do my job well as a girlfriend

Momo then stops Lucifer as they reach a crosswalk. She grabs his tie and re-adjusts it make it look normal instead of bunched. She tucks his hair back and sets his hat back on his head.

Momo: There, now you're looking less ragged.

Kirishima just laughed but then noticed the hat, he'd seen Lucifer wear it one other time, that being when Midnight managed to tell him off for being tired.

Kirishima: I've been meaning to ask man, what's with the hat? Its really old looking so it ain't new, but you still wear it.

Lucifer looks up and takes the hat off, holding it in his hands.

Lucifer: It was given to me by my grandfather, he used to be an adventurer of sorts

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Lucifer: It was given to me by my grandfather, he used to be an adventurer of sorts. He travelled twice as much as mom and dad does.

So when I met him he said "I'm much too old to go adventuring now, so I bestow you the highest honour I can give you." He reached into an old box and gave me this hat and my satchel. Said this hat saw things most people only thought to be in movies. I've used them ever since.

Momo: That's really sweet. Im sure he's a nice man.

Lucifer: Oh he was, I haven't seen him in a while. I hope to though but with mom and dad away now, school piling up and everything else it seems to be farther and farther away.

Kirishima: What? Your parents are away?

Lucifer: Yeah, business trip for my father, he's in graphic design. He wanted me to tag along but Mom said with U.A it wasn't gonna be possible. I totally understand it, so I'm not upset or anything.

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