Chapter 12 - Hop to It!

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Lucifer: This seems to be the place. Here goes nothing.

He pushes the door open to immediately be met with a receptionist.

Receptionist: Ah, you must be Lucifer, for the internship!

Lucifer: Umm, yes, I am!

Receptionist: Very well! If you just follow me, Ms. Mirko will be waiting for you in the gym Arena, just change into your hero costume first, please and thank you!

Lucifer: Thank you.

Lucifer responds as he heads into the changing room. He hadn't really thought about how plain his "hero outfit" really was. He threw on a long-sleeve tan button up with a black tie, hanging just a bit lose under his neck. He then put on his brown leather jacket.

It was an old faded one his father had given him a few months ago. After that he put on his satchel and hat. As he left he noticed a mirror, looking at it he came to the realization.

Lucifer: Dad wasn't kidding, I do look like a Jones. Shows how original I am.

He mutters sarcastically. He sets the brush in its holster on his back and heads towards the arena.

Mirko: Well, Well, you're the Lucifer Aizawa has told me about! Pleasure to meet you at last.

Lucifer: The pleasures mine, Ms. I'm glad that you gave me an opportunity here.

Mirko: Well the sports festival secured it for me. Despite that boulder move, you showed power out there. Now, is this your hero outfit?

Lucifer: Well... Yes. I don't really need anything fancy since my quirks don't require me to be open or free moving.

Mirko began to giggle and laugh. Lucifer felt a blush creep up on him, he didnt think anything was funny.

Mirko: Sorry, Sorry, just my brain suddenly thought you looked like an archeologist.

Lucifer: Ha, I've gotten that from my dad before.

Mirko: Well lets not waste time! If your ready, I'd say a sparing lesson was in order.

Lucifer: As you wish, I'm ready.

He remarks pulling the brush to his right. Mirko gives a wide grin and the sparing begins.

Meanwhile, Momo found herself in an undesired spot. Both her an Itsuka Kendo had gone for Uwamabi's internship, but she was so focused on her modeling that the two were left in an awkward predicament.

Momo: Oh... Now I wish I'd gone to Gunhead or Mirko like Lucifer.

Itsuka: Yeah, this is certain not what I signed up for exactly. You mentioned Lucifer, he's that kid who beat Bakugo right?

Momo: Yes, he's my- friend. A very good friend. Hes always had a positive spin on things.

Itsuka: I don't think you can call him just a friend Momo. Given how you just acted there, I'd say you love him.

Momo felt her face heat up. She didn't want the relationship to be a secret per say but she felt like everyone around her would judge or say something bad about Lucifer.

Momo: Well, I do. And he does the same, we've been dating for almost a month at this point. Hes already lifted me up so much but... I worry I can't do the same. I'm worried that he'll get hurt by his past.

Itsuka: His past? Something bad happened?

Momo: More than that he cant remember more than a year ago. He doesn't know why either.

Itsuka: Wow... That's gotta be hard on him.

Momo: He doesn't talk about it much but I know it affects him.

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