A Beautiful Alliance

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Voldemort's POV:

Lord Olympia's shoulders were tense when I arrived in his manor, but his face held no anxiety. A quick scan around the room showed little of interest, but did confirm the validity of the man's claim to the Olympia name.

"Welcome," he said before turning "follow me. This is going to be a long discussion and I find those are much more comfortable when done sitting." He walked through the arched doorway without looking back. The house was quiet, but homely. There were hints of the child that lived here, but no unnecessary mess or noise. When I arrived at the sitting room he entered there was a small female house elf just setting down a tea tray.

"Please, help yourself to some tea." he said and sat down on a large wing backed chair. "I'm sure you have many questions, so ask away."

I took a seat across from him, ignoring the tea and took a few minutes to just look at him. The silence was a bit awkward, but he remained relaxed as the seconds ticked past.

"Why did you call me Mr. Riddle? Where did you hear of that name? What could you possibly think you have that I would want?"

He smirked and shook his head a bit. "The Olympia family has much more power and knowledge than the general populace gives us credit for. I know many things, like how you are named after your father, how you were conceived under a love potion, and even how you grew up in a muggle orphanage. I know of your life before Hogwarts, and how you were seen as a devil child. I know of your struggle to find your place in Hogwarts before you discovered you were the heir of Slytherin and claimed your place as king. And I even know of that naughty little thing you did when you were sixteen."

I'm sure my eyes betrayed the shock of what I was hearing. How could he know all of that?!?

"I must say I'm quite disappointed that you split your soul so many times Tom, can I call you Tom? The Olympias hav never dabbled in necromancy, soul and death arts but we do know much about them. Surely you must have read up and understood just what you were doing by splitting your soul six times."

"What- I only spilt it five times. And even so of course I knew what I was doing!"

He shook his head. "Truly, by the end I don't think you did. And you are wrong you split your soul six times, even if the last time was accidentally. You see, it wasn't that hard for me to figure out what had happened on that fateful Halloween night all those years ago once I knew where to look. Of course a boy surviving the killing curse caught my interest, very few magics can actually do something like that, and I didn't see the Potters doing any of them. So I did some research, some legal some not so much and discovered your little secrets. It took me a while to figure out a good way to track them down along with what truly happened that Halloween but I think I know what happened.

"On the night you went to kill the Potters, your soul was already broken down far too much, that when the prophecy was fulfilled and the killing curse rebounded and hit you, your soul split again since it was used to splitting in the years past. There was no ritual done however, so the piece of soul that split away from your wraith form did pass to the underworld, unable to be anchored to this realm. That is of little concern however since the portion that split off was so small.

"But now I have collected every other piece of your soul and kept them safe, here, waiting for the next time you would show yourself and I would get the chance to speak with you. I have finally figured out a ritual to give you your body back, should that be what you desire, however it requires you to be fully willing to participate in the ritual to work. You must trust me and be ready to get your body back for this to work."

We sat in silence for a while before I spoke again. "Why would I trust you? Why would I believe anything you have to say? On top of that, why are you helping me, your family was always neutral, your mother made that perfectly clear." He smiled, "because of my son. Our world needs to be a good place before I am willing to hand it off to him, and that can't be done with such an imbalance in our government. You had ideas with merit before you lost your way, and I would like to see what you could do when sane, safe and whole. And besides, I swear on my magic that everything I have said here today to Tom Marvolo Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort is true, so mote it be, or may mother magic strip me of my magic." Power thrummed in the air as he carefully waved a hand before a patronus burst forth.

A large thestral trotted forward and circled us before slowly fading when it saw the coast was clear.

And with that, I was won over. Quick, I know, far too quick for someone like me. But a man like this, with a good reputation and power to boot was someone to keep around, even if he didn't always tell me the truth. A wordless and wandless patronus? Never have I seen someone able to do that. Which is why I turned to him and said,

"I think this is going to be a beautiful alliance. Why don't you tell me more?"

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