Settling into Slytherin

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*Just a note that I am using google translate for the Greek, so if I'm wrong about translations let me know!*

Hadrian's POV:

My morning started off early, around 5:30 AM, when I cast a tempus. I quietly got up and headed to the bathroom, quickly showering and brushing my teeth before making myself presentable. It's Saturday, so I don't need to wear school robes. Instead I decided to wear black slacks, black dress shoes and a dark green button down that "brings out my eyes" according to every woman I've come across. Once I was dressed and my hair was tamed, I strapped my wand to my wrist and had Dust and Bone quickly wrap around my arms. Once they were settled I cast a tempus again, seeing it was now 6 and grabbed my bag and journal before heading down to the common room.

It was quiet, no one else was down there and with a quick talk with a snake portrait I found no one else had actually gotten up yet. I sat in the kings chair by the fire place, which also had a great view into the lake where the giant squid was currently trying to pet me but being blocked by the glass. I placed my bag on the floor, allowing Dust and Bone to curl around the back of the chair and settled in to write to my family.

Dad would already know I where I was sorted and that I was made king, Lady Magic promised she would update him if anything happened, but she said I could tell everyone else anything that happened. So I quickly got to writing, explaining my house placement and my new position as the King. It only took a second before responses were pouring in from everyone giving congratulations. I got so many my book stayed glowing constantly for almost two minutes before it died down. After sending out a thank you, some people (like Grandpa Poseidon and Uncle Hades and Uncle Zeus) started asking about how I liked it so far. I talked to them some more, explaining how I would probably get a letter from dad in a few hours at breakfast and talked to them some more until people started to enter the common room.

The first people down were the seventh years, Bovin leading the group down into the common room before he spotted me. I felt them stop in the doorway before I glanced up. "Good morning," I said with a small smile before glancing back at my journal (which had glowed with 3 goodbyes.)

"Good morning Heir Olympia."

"You may all call me Hadrian if you would like. I may be your new king, but we are a family and you deserve the right to refer to me informally."

They all seemed shocked by this before nodding and straightening up.

"Then please, call us by our names. As you know I am Adrian Bovin. This is Wood Ferlet, Gordon Rook, Isom Buckthorn. The female prefect, Stella Cobris should be down soon with her friends."

I nodded to each as they bowed their heads at their names.

"Of course. Well, feel free to sit, no need to be so formal around me. As I said yesterday this weekend is for you all to get to know me, you may ask whatever you like -you need not worry about me taking offense- however I ask you be patient as I have many questions to answer and names to learn."

"Oh it's not problem at all! Thank you Hadrian."

They all piled onto a couch across from me, sitting close, but comfortable in their space. I quickly snapped my journal closed and placed it (along with my self inking quill) in my bag. Once that was done I reached up and had Dust and Bone slide down my arms into my hands.

"May I enquirer what your familiars, at least I assume they are your familiars, names are?" asked Isom.

I could feel my grin widen. "Of course! This is Bone," he reared up and hissed, "and this is Dust," he did the same action. They both settled down immediately after they put on their show. "They are my familiars, and are Western Hongnoses."

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