You're Going Back

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Hadrian's POV:

We went into the hall and sat down to eat, trying to pick up our conversations where they left off. About ten minutes passed before Theo slipped in with Neville, the two of them splitting up so they could get something to eat.

After that we kept a close eye on Weasley whenever he was close, but for the most part he seemed subdued from his lost house points.

The next time anything really interesting happened was Thursday. After a restful weekend where I got to hangout with Fred and George and hear their plans for some school wide pranks, and a calm start of the week I wasn't expecting much from the day. We were at our first flying class of the year when the drama first started.

All of us were standing around waiting for Madame Hooch and talking before class started. The Slytherins were all standing to one side and the Gryffindors were across from us in a line. Neville happened to be directly across from me and was mentioning how his Gran had just sent him a remembrall. The actual lesson was fairly nice, Madame Hooch was a stern teacher, but good, and was very amusing when she told Weasley he had been flying wrong for years when practicing quidditch with his brothers at home. When we actually had to start flying was the problem. Neville was nervous, but we had already talked about flying before dinner yesterday and he was more calm after that then he was before it. He was doing well, and sticking close to the ground before Weasley mentioned how he should join him higher in the air.

Neville told him no but he kept pushing it, and as Neville got more agitated so did his broom. He quickly lost control, his anger turning to fear in an instant as he was thrown around. He ended up falling, being caught by some unlit torches before quickly falling down and breaking his wrist. As Madame Hooch took him to the hospital wing I saw Weasley go over and pick up some thing from the grass. It was Neville's remembrall!

"Give it here Weasley" Draco said calmly holding out his palm.

"No, he shouldn't of lost it if he wanted it back. I think I'll just keep it safe for him."

I rolled my eyes as they quickly started to get mad at each other.

"Accio remembrall."

As the glass orb landed in my palm Weasley's head snapped towards mine. His ears turned red as I slipped the object into my pocket and he finally snapped out, "a duel, between me and you Olympia!"

The slytherins winced, remembering the duel that made me king as I nodded. "Alright, Draco shall be my second. Who will be yours?"

He turned to his fellow classmates who all looked away or shook their heads. He turned redder and spit out "one of my brothers, Fred or George."

I nodded just as Madame Hooch returned and announced the the class was over. We helped return the brooms to the shed by the pitch before walking back toward our common rooms.

As we got back to the hall where our entrance was, Draco and I continued a little farther until we reached a portrait of old Professor Swoopstikes preparing a potion.

"Good afternoon, do you think we might talk to Professor Snape?" The old potions master looked up from his brewing and held up a hand. He turned away from us for a minute before facing us again and nodding. Right after he nodded the portrait opened to Professor Snape's private quarters. We both stepped in and faced our Professor as the door closed behind us.

"What can I do for the two of you boys?" Professor Snape asked serious but kindly.

"A duel has just been declared between Ronald Weasley and myself. According to the school charter all duels between students must be held with each students head of house present as well as a neutral third party as referee. I was hoping I could ask Professor Flitwick to be that third party since he was a master duelist."

That's my dad Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon