Letters and shopping

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Harry's POV:

As the years went on me and dad got even closer. He explained about the gods to me the day he blood adopted me, and I got to meet my godly family when I turned 5. It was a bit overwhelming, there were a lot of people but everyone seemed very excited to meet me. After that we started talking more and more and now we are really close. I even met mother magic! She was super nice and explained why we have to keep the gods and wizarding world separate.

Remus and Sirius sent a bunch of letters, even presents for Yule and my birthday. On my 8th birthday I answered back. We send letters back and forth a little bit but for the most part I keep them distanced after what happened with dad. I understand they were scared of losing me, and that's why I keep in contact with them now, but it still hurts that they don't consider Percy my dad.

Anyway today is my eleventh birthday and I'm finally getting my Hogwarts letter! I'm excited to finally get to see the castle and feel her magic, but I'm not so excited to have to deal with Dumbledore. He meddles and sticks his crooked nose into EVERYONES business!

I was sitting at the dining room table waiting for my dad when he finally walked in with a smile on his face. "Look what I just got." He held up a thick envelope.

"My letter!"

He chuckled and handed it over, before quickly accepting his coffee ("black Hadri, you don't have milk and sugar on the run!") from one of our house elves, Bobble. She super nice, and she came to us when I was around 7. Her old family was treating her horribly so Lady Magic cut her ties with them and brought her to dad. Now she's with us and doesn't have to work but chooses to. In return me and dad make her little gifts whenever we are in a creative mood.

I quickly turned over the letter, looking at the address before sighing. "They got my name right! I was worried with what Lady Magic told us that Dumbledore would address it to Harry Potter." Dad nodded and looked like he wanted to laugh. "He probably doesn't even know you were adopted. Obviously as your magical guardian he was supposed to check on you and didn't, he probably thinks you're are still with those mundanes. As for the address, the register at Hogwarts would have automatically updated your name, and then sent your letter the same way." I nodded and tore into the letter.

"Well everything looks pretty standard, but it doesn't say anything about familiars. Do you think I can bring Dust and Bone?"

Dust and Bone are my familiars. They are American Hognose snakes and Uncle Hades got them for me last year when he found out I could talk to snakes. I originally got the ability from the horcrux, but lost it when it was destroyed. I got it back when dad adopted me because he has beast speech, and parseltongue was a language my subconscious knew, which is kind of crazy. That's the only ability I got from dad though. Lady magic blessed a familiar bond between us, so now they have some access to my magic. Dust is black, with blue patterns on his back and a white underbelly, while Bone is white, with gray patterns and a gray underbelly.

"Seeing as they are registered as your familiars at the ministry I think you can. If you have an issue with them you know to have someone contact me. Now finish your food and we can go get your supplies. Jobry, can you send the acceptance letter sitting on my desk to Hogwarts please?" The lights flashed once, a sign that dad was heard and it was done.

"Thanks Jobry" I said before finishing as fast as I could. Dad started laughing at me when he saw me basically inhaling the food. "Slow down before you choke Hadri, it's nothing you haven't seen before."
I pouted but slowed down anyway. "Come on, don't pout! It's true, you have a wand already, and you've been to Diagon how many times?" I didn't want to admit it but it was true. Lady magic gave me the perfect wand for me last year. Elder wood, 11 inches with a duel core, unicorn hair and thestral hair. Dad got me a black holster with gold stitching to go with it and I take it everywhere with me. The best part is it doesn't have a trace on it!

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