The Interworkings of a House

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Hadrian's POV:

All the questions were quiet, the older Slytherins firmly keeping their calm masks in place, but you could see the confusion in their eyes as they muttered questions down the table.

"Excuse me, I am Heir Adrian Bovin, I am the 7th year prefect. I think most of the school, Slytherins especially are wondering if you are part of the Olympia family, as in the oldest family line?"

As he started to speak the Slytherin table quieted down, and in return the other house tables quieted down until it was nearly silent. Because of that everyone could clearly hear my answer to his question.

"Yes, my father is Lord Olympia and I am Heir Olympia. We are the last of the Olympias." The other Slytherins were polite enough to not stare, however the other tables had no problem gawking at this information.

"If you have any questions you may calmly ask a few right now, however I would like to enjoy my meal, and most questions can probably be answered as you get to know me over the next few weeks anyway."

Bovin nodded and quickly looked down the table towards the older years. Everyone glanced at him before turning to look at me. I raised an eyebrow, my face carefully blank and they all turned to finally start piling food on their plates.

"Wow Hadrian" spoke Pansy (I had given her permission to call me that on the train), "you might just become the youngest king yet with the way they are acting around you."

Ah yes, the king position. Dad and Lady Magic explained a lot about Hogwarts to me, and one of the first things they explained was the different power structures of each house.

Every house is different, and some make more sense then others.

For Hufflepuff, each year has a leader, it is the student who is the most outspoken and least likely to take any shit from other houses. Each years leader holds some power over the other students, and the older the year they are the more power they have. Though more often then not they never actually have to use it because everyone in that house gets along.

The Gryffindors have no stated hierarchy, however there are some students who will be shown more respect if they "earn" it. It is hard to say what makes you earn the respect, seeing as it is all based on students opinions, almost like a popularity game. You earn house points, do something funny or even just show a lot of courage and it can bump you up higher on the food chain. It can work inversely however, so people's placement is constantly changing.

The Ravenclaws are fairly odd. They don't have a hierarchy at all. Unlike the Gryffindors they are totally independent. Everyone gets by on their own and most are comfortable enough with their friend groups to be able to get help whenever they ask for it.

Now the Slytherins. Being the house of cunning political games are expected. They Slytherins have a very clear hierarchy, that anyone whose ever been part of the house or has family from the house knows about.  At the top their is the King or Queen. They have the most power and influence over the Slytherins. Second is the court, which is filled with princes and princesses -chosen companions and close confidants that help the ruler with their duties as the second most important figure under the head of house. After that is the subjects, everyone else in Slytherin who follows the command of the ruler and their court. The important thing to note about the ruler of Slytherin is that the only thing that matters is how they will help the house be better as a whole. Blood status does not matter. Political standing does not matter. Political connections do not matter. And magical affinity especially does not matter (however most Slytherins are often gray or dark so that is not usually a problem.) If a ruler is graduating out, they will often discuss their choice for the next ruler with the house and spend their last year training the new ruler for them to take over.

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