Like That's Going to be Easy

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*This chapter is dedicated to HumorlesslyHades and lea541, for alway being the first ones to read and comment on my new chapters once they are posted. Y'all are real ones :)*

Perseus's POV:

I wish I could tell you WHAT I WAS THINKING when I invited my son's possessed teacher to our house the day after the school year ended. NEWS FLASH CLEARLY I WASN'T. But that doesn't matter because in less than an hour a perpetually petrified possessed professor was going to arrive in our entrance hall with a portkey I sent him once he confirmed he would like to meet.

The plan we had on how we were going to handle the return of Tom Riddle earlier in the year had been changed drastically at the realization that the prophecy was completed. Now we had far less time to wait and work on getting through to Riddle about not killing my son, though we wouldn't be getting to that part for quite some time still. I need to find a way to prove the prophecy was complete after all.

But that is where Severus came in. Though I was truthful in what I said about having a meeting with Severus, I didn't just happen upon Riddle watching my son and his best friend does that sound creepy. Anyway, I was searching him out in order to talk to him about healing his soul and gaining his body back. But again NEVER MEANT TO JUST INVITE HIM OVER. But I digress, I had been owling Severus though out the year to discuss more of what was going on with Dumbledore and possibly see where he laid in terms of sides and if he could be swayed, and all of it started with him.

Snape started our correspondence when he owled me about Hadrian's duel. At the end of that letter he added that he would love to speak to me in person to discuss the duel and a few questions he had for me. I agreed to meet with him on the condition that he would not tell my son about my stop ins at Hogwarts. As much as I love Hadri, he needed Hogwarts to be his space away from me and I didn't want this to change that. Once he agreed we met up and had a long and interesting discussion regarding what I said in the Daily.

He questioned me throughly about my beliefs on child abuse and Dumbledore being lenient about it. I confirmed that I believed Dumbledore does not do enough with his power and shared a bit about a few of my "friends'" experiences with child abuse. He seemed much more comfortable with me once I admitted this, and that just further confirmed to me that I would be able to get him on our side. This got me confident enough to broach the topic of his Wizengamot seat.

To say I was annoyed that he knew nothing was saying the least. But honestly I wasn't that surprised. He didn't know that he had a seat open and available to take, quietly admitting that he and his mother were cast off from his wizarding side of the family by his grandfather.

But the fact of the matter is that the Prince seat remains. It is laying dormant now, with no family member residing over it and no one appointed to sit on it by the previous member. But it was still its own seat, not merged with a distant family's seat which meant that the family magic recognized an heir ready and able to take their place in the government.

Magic has a mind of her own, and though Severus' grandfather did try to cast him out of his families power, he could never get around the fact that his grandson was a good, strong representative of his family.

It's safe to say I think I was the first person to leave him speechless. After that revelation we struck up a bit of a friendship. We continued to meet discreetly, and I helped him learn more about the political scene to prepare himself for the next term. The fact that I choose to label myself as dark was a big topic of debate between the two of us. As the months wore on, Severus chose to disclose a bit about his service to Lord Voldemort, and how he couldn't see why I would taint our name by associating with his political party. It threw me for a bit of a loop, making me doubt if I would be able to get him on my side, but in the end I left the meeting confident enough that I could convince him when the time came.

But none of that is very relevant right now. The biggest thing that you need to know is that when we weren't discussing politics or my sons beautiful performance in school, we were often talking about potions. And something Severus mentioned about a long lost potion recipe he had read about, got me to thinking about how I could use a potion to help get Tom Riddle back.

So fast forward a few months of research and experimenting and I finally have the potion and ritual needed to combine all of the soul pieces into one new body.....just as long as I get him to agree. Everyone needs to be a willing participant for this to not get horribly botched.

So now here we are, with a possessed Quirrell standing six feet away from me, a blank look on his face. I just needed to convince him to do things my way, at least for now.

Like that's going to be easy.

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