An Interview or an Epiphany?

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*New format for (just) this chapter! It will be written out how the article would be in the paper. RS is Rita Skeeter and LO is Lord Olympia (i.e. Percy)*

Hello my lovely readers! I'm excited to be coming to you today with the most anticipated exclusive interview we've had in years! I got the chance to sit down with Lord Perseus Olympia (pictured above and might I just say, wow that is one beautiful man), and learn all about his life and opinions. Read below for an exact transcript of the interview.

RS: So Lord Olympia, it is lovely to meet you. I was wondering if today you would be willing to share more about your personal life, as well as your opinions on some current events.

He shifted into a more comfortable position before speaking, we were seated in my office at the Daily Prophet.

LO: It is lovely to meet you as well. I will answer all of your questions to the best of my ability.

RS: Perfect! Well first, I think what everyone wants to know is where you were before now? You have just sent your son off to his first year at Hogwarts, why were you not active here in Britain before then?

He laughed soft and low.

LO: We'll, we have in fact been active here in Britain. I was raised in America after my mother fled during the war. When my son, Hadrian, was young we moved back here where he grew up in one of our families ancestral homes. We have not been very out going within the magical community, but we have been active here for years. I figured now that Hadrian was old enough to be in Hogwarts it was the best time to get more active in the community again.

RS: Interesting, you mentioned that you moved back, did any of your family move with you? Lady Olympia perhaps?

LO: No, none of my family lives here with us. My mother passed, and my father and his side of the family needed to stay in America. As for Lady Olympia, she is no longer with us either. It is just me and Hadrian.

His eyes were a little wet and a I felt myself break just a little over the heartache this man must feel.

RS: I am so sorry to hear that. You mentioned your father, would you mind telling me about him?

LO: My father is a very busy man, his side of the family is quite powerful in the states and are required to stay in New York. Despite that fact all of my family is quite close to Hadrian and I.

RS: That is just wonderful. Is your father a pureblood? I imagine someone with so much power is.

LO: Yes he is, however my family doesn't put much value in blood status. We understand how important it is to other wizarding communities, however for us blood status has never been at the forefront of our minds.

RS: Really? That is quite interesting and the perfect segway into my next question. As you get more involved in the community, can you tell us how you think you will fall politically? Do you think you will lean towards a certain one of the two sects? As the oldest known wizarding family you hold quite a bit of sway.

LO: My family has never sided with one sect over the other, sometimes it happened where we did vote for one party a few times in a row more than another, but both my son and I were raised to believe in staying balanced, in the gray if you will.

RS: So you are saying you aren't going to align yourself with one party?

LO: No, unless there is a gray party I'm not aware of my family will not be declaring as light or dark.

RS: And you said your family tries to stay balanced?

LO: Yes, I have been all over the world and every country except Britain believes in the power of balance. The fact that in order to prevent disaster, we must keep a balance of light and dark in order to please Mother Magic. Too much of one thing could be disastrous, hence, the importance of a gray area.

Now my dear readers, after Lord Olympia said this I have to admit I was speechless! He was not condescending when he said this, but stated it like it was a simple fact. I was beginning to run out of time so I had to move on but I hope to talk to him about this idea again soon.

RS: So you said you didn't identify as one sect, but perhaps you tend to believe in the ideals of one over another? What is your opinion on creatures?

LO: What is there to say? They are beings from Mother Magic, just like us, who deserve to be treated with respect. Especially those we interact with often, for example, the Goblins. They run our entire economy, and yet very few people treat them with respect and dignity. I don't want to bore you with my rambling, but I have always felt strongly of treating everything with respect, whether it be the earth, people, animals, or creatures.

RS: Wow, what a lovely sentiment indeed. Now we are just about out of time, but perhaps I can ask you one more question?

LO: Of course.

RS: Well as you know you are not our only headline news this week, do you have anything to say over the disappearance of Harry Potter.

LO: Well, it isn't my business to say, but personally it has me questioning a lot about the current happenings in Britain.

RS: Could you expand on that thought?

LO: It just causes you to think, this boy, who Albus Dumbledore has been telling everyone was being raised by a small wizarding family goes missing. And instead of telling people exactly where he should have last been seen, the house he was raised in, he requests to send search parties out to Non-magical communities. Furthermore, how does someone like Dumbledore become the boys magical guardian anyway. He is the headmaster of a school, and a powerful political figure, but has absolutely no relation to the boy. And many of the older Pureblood lines are related in some way. Surely the boy has some fairly close magical blood relatives. I understand the need for protection, but all this secrecy, even now, not saying who he was raised with sends a shiver down my spine. I know that if it were my son, I couldn't imagine not putting protections in place in my will to ensure at least a few people knew where he was. As I said it is not my place to judge what the Potters decided to do, especially while under high stress and in hiding, but I really would love to read the transcript from their will reading just to try and understand where their minds were.

After this we wrapped up our conversation and Lord Olympia left. Once he was gone, I started to think more on what he said and decided that yes, it would be nice to try and understand where the Potters were coming from. So, off I went to the ministry to visit the archives and read the transcript from their will reading. And to my shock my lovelies, there was no transcript! When I asked for one I was told their wills were sealed, and never read! Further inquiry at Gringotts helped me to understand that only direct blood relatives can unseal the wills, along with magical guardians if the only blood relative is under age. So who does this lead back to? Albus Dumbledore. If he never had the wills read, how did he know where to bring young Harry all those years ago, and why all this secrecy? I intend to dig in more my dear readers so we can all get to the bottom of this, but for now that is all. This has been an exclusive interview with Lord Perseus Olympia; an interview that has been quite eye opening indeed. Until next time.

   - R. Skeeter

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