It started with a shake

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Percy's POV:

The war ended a few days ago, not many survived. Everyone who fought left the battle field with injuries, and most didn't leave at all. All my close friends passed, they died heroes, everybody who fell in battle did, and I know they all made it Elysium but it still hurts. Even my mom and Paul died, they came to camp to help, they died protecting the little kids that we hid in the big house. After the battle ended I don't think anyone knew what to do. When I finally snapped out of it and went to help everyone still down it seemed like I flipped a switch. We all started crying, everything that had happened finally sinking in. The gods cried with us, and spent the last few days helping us heal and rebuild. We finished last night and today they asked us all to come to Olympus. I sent the youngest kids first, with one of the older demigods with them for each ride. I went in the last van, keeping our youngest with me. The ride was quiet, the kids not really understanding what had just finished and before I knew it we were at the Empire State Building. When we got to the front desk the security guy seemed happy to find out we were the last group, and he quickly gave me the key along with a quiet "thank you."

As we walked down the streets of Olympus all the little kids stared around in wonder. It was quiet, many gods still mourning the loss of their children and dealing with the repercussions of the war.

We made it to the throne room, the 14 Olympians sitting on their thrones (Hades and Hestia were reinstated after the first war because Zeus finally pulled his head out of his ass) and the mixed group of demigods were sitting on the floor in front of them. I quickly put down Theo, our youngest -a four year old son of Aphrodite-, and made my way to the front.

"Our Heroes, our children, we invited you here today to officially give our thanks for all your work during this past war, and inform you of some changes to be made." All the kids started murmuring to each other but quieted down as they saw Zeus go to speak again. "First we wanted to tell you that from now until forever more the laws preventing us from raising you are gone. They did more harm then good, and should you allow us we would love to be in your lives more. Second, now is a critical time for you all. You are allies, you are friends but most importantly you are family. We plan to merge the two camps into one here in New York so that you all may stay with each other and remain close. And third, we wish to reward you all for everything you have done. It has been decided that all demigods from now on will be given one of these" he held up a medallion that had my name engraved on it "scent blocking medallions. When you wear them your scent will be blocked from all Greek monsters, which means you can now use whatever technology you want as it advances." All the kids cheered as their parents started handing out the medallions with their names on them.

As everyone started putting them on Zeus cleared his throat. "It is getting late, you should all rest. We will flash you back to camp now. Please listen to your older siblings, Percy will be staying behind a few more minutes." They gathered by cabin before being flashed back to camp and soon it was just me and the Olympians left in the throne room. They all rose and shrunk down to my size.

"Percy, there is more we wanted to give you then just this medallion." Zeus put his hands around the medallion and after a second of glowing he opened his hands to a chain necklace. He slowly came over and gently placed it around my neck. After he clipped it around my neck he rested his hands on my shoulders. My dad and Hades came to stand next to him and they each put a hand on top of his.

"The council decided we wanted to bless you and name you Prince of Olympus. You will be gifted immortality and take over rule for us should we ever need you to." dad said proudly.

"You are the oldest demigod, you have the most experience, you care for them all, you are their leader. You deserve this. You can finally retire now, they will be safe in this new camp but you will be there if they need you."

That's my dad Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora