Chapter 35

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After a couple of drinks, I was starting to get bored.

I was also starting to miss Noah.

So I decided that I would go looking for him.

I quickly ordered him a drink, I wasn't sure what he would like so I just ordered him some whiskey.

Once the bartender gave me the drink I thanked him once again and left him a tip.

I got off the stool and walked around the building trying to find Noah.

He would be pretty easy to spot because of how tall he was but I couldn't find him.

I walked around and around probably for 15 minutes and he was still nowhere to be found.

Because of how much I had roamed around when I saw Rich, I decided to ask him if he knew where Noah was.

"Hey Rich, do you know where Noah is? I can't find him." I explained.

"Weren't you guys together?" He asked puzzled.

"No," I replied.

"Oh, well I saw him go upstairs." Rich replied looking a little worried.

"Okay, thanks." I thanked him and walked away.

I made my way through the crowd as I finally stumbled onto the staircase.

I made my way upstairs and Rich did not lie about the bedrooms upstairs, there were so many doors.

I opened a couple of them interrupting things that I wished I never saw.

After many apologies and many 'whoopsies', I got to the last door.

No fucking way.

I opened the door and it was like opening the door to my nightmare.

Noah was sitting on the foot of the bed and on top of him was Rebecca.

They weren't fucking but they were getting pretty close to it, they were making out with each other.

I felt the bile rising in my throat, I felt sick to my stomach.

Noah opened his eyes and saw me standing in the doorway with whiskey in my hand.

His eyes widened in fear, he pushed Rebecca off of him and called out for me, "Shit, Carmina!"

I shook my head and closed the door and quickly made my way to the stairs. I needed to go.

I swiftly made my way back downstairs, I could feel the tears pooling in my eyes, I tried to blink them away but I just ended up blinking them out of my eyes.

"Carmina! Please! It's not what it looked like." Noah tried to call out to me.

I didn't want to hear him out so I chose to tune out his voice and try my best to sprint out of the building in my heels.

Once I got outside, I felt the cold breeze hit me, goosebumps grew on my skin, I was suddenly... cold.

I knew that Noah was still chasing after me so I ran to the side of the building, hiding from him so that he couldn't find me while I called for an Uber.

It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, thrown on the ground and stepped on by a million strangers.

I silently sobbed while I flagged down an Uber on the app.

After waiting a couple of minutes, my Uber finally arrived.

I made my way to the car and opened the door. I sat down inside the car while making eye contact with the driver.

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