Chapter 4

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"That's great!" Noah beams.

"Stop lying to me! It's just a small job at a grocery store!" I say, swatting at his arm.

Were sitting on the couch in my living room, we didn't really have time to go somewhere. He told me that he didn't care, he just wanted to talk.

I felt a little embarrassed bringing him over to my place, just the fact that Melanie hadn't left when I had got back was pretty embarrassing. And once she was leaving, when Noah wasn't looking she gave me the thumbs up and winked. At least I'm not the only one who thinks he's hot.

"I'm going to have to visit you in your little grocery store, Wiley." He teased, taking a bite out of one of the chocolate chip cookies that looks like a crumb in his hand.

"I don't think you'll be able to fit," I laughed, he joined in, making my stomach warm up.

"Don't get so used to it, It's just a little temporary job while I get enough money to open my own restaurant." I beam, taking a big gulp from one of the Gatorades we bought last night.

"You're gonna have to cook something for me, Wiley. Really put your chef skills to the test." He replies

"It's a date," I say unknowingly.

"I mean it's not a date! Like just the expression an-"

"It's a date." He confirms, grabbing a hold of both my hands with his hands.

I relax again, flashing him a coy smile and sinking back into my seat.

Just then, his phone starts ringing, he throws his head back in frustration. Which should not be as attractive as it was.

"What? I said I was coming back at three." He leans on his knees and covers his eyes with his left hand.

"Oh, um, tell them that I'm not coming back today. No! I am coming back today, just tell her- them, that I won't be coming back today." He glances over to me, making eye contact then looking away quickly.

Her? Who's "her"?

He then ends the phone call and looks at his phone, "Shit! It's 3:00! You're gonna be late!" he rushed off of the couch and grabbed a hold of me. I didn't even have to lift a finger and he already had me up on my feet.

He frantically went to the dining area to go find his keys, "I'm bringing you to work! Get dressed!"

I hastily ran towards my room and changed into my work uniform. This ugly, bright red shirt and khaki pants, I was so pissed that he had to see me like that.

I walked out of the room, making sure I had everything.

"Awww, look at Wiley, all grown up and ready to work." Noah teased.

"Shut up! It's 3:10! I'm so fucking late!"

We both rushed downstairs and ran to his car.

Once we got into the car, he hooked up his phone to connect to his car's GPS system. I put the address of my grocery store and we went on our way.

"Edward's Groceries, that's the name of the place where you work?" He said, stifling a laugh.

"Okay, okay... Make fun of another thing I can't control. Just keep driving." I said, rolling my eyes and nodding towards the windshield.

"Well, I won't have to... We're here," he said, driving into the parking lot.

My eyes lit up, I was so grateful for how close Edward's was from where I lived.

But it was still pretty bad, I was still about twenty minutes late.

"You ready to g-" He was stopped mid sentence when a notification popped up on his car's screen.

It was a text message from a girl...

Rebecca... Hmm.

"Oh, um, I have to go... Hey, sorry I couldn't go in with you. I ju-"

"No, don't worry about it. It's probably important, anyway I'm really late so I have to go. Bye, thanks for the ride." Before he could even respond I slammed the door shut.

I quickly turned around and headed straight for the entrance.

I'm not even going to lie, but seeing that notification pop up kind of hurt. We've only known each other for two days but it feels like we've known each other years..

I walk into the store, it's a small store. There's only about ten lanes of cash registers, and only three are open.

I walk into the break room and clock in.

"Why are you late Carmina?"

I turn around and find myself facing one of the store managers.

"I'm really really sorry Audrey! I lost track of time and I was helping a friend with something! I promise it won't happen again." I plead nervously.

"Bad way to start your first day, Carmina... You better not let it happen again." Audrey shakes her head and turns to leave the break room.

I breathe a sigh of relief and put my hair up into a ponytail. I barely had time to get ready and I left the house in such a rush that my hair got even messier.

Since I'm just starting, my first position is to be a bagger, I just bag people's groceries and tell them to have a great day, simple enough.

I look for a cashier that needs some help with their lane, all of the lanes have baggers except for one, lane 8.

I make my way to that lane and start thinking of things I can say to the cashier. I want to introduce myself since I'm new and it would be great to have a friend.

As I'm making my way to the lane I can't really see who I'm going to be working with as they are being covered by the customer.

Finally, the customer grabs their groceries and waves bye to the cashier. I can finally make out what my cashier looks like and... oh. It's a guy and he's... cute.

He's tall, skinny but not too skinny. He has these pretty, blue eyes that look perfect. His hair is brown, nearing black and is naturally slicked back with curls at the end which touch the nape of his neck. He's wearing a gray, long sleeve under the red work shirt, which are bunched up to stop at his forearms instead of at his wrists.

Well actually... he's REALLY cute.

The Perfect Guy/s (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin