Chapter 2

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"Uhh... Hello?" He says, scratching his head with his hand.

Whoa his hand.. STOP, RESPOND!

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much!" I plead, I shake my head and close my eyes.

"No worries," He laughs, crossing his arms.

His arms are so perfectly defined, literally chiseled. He has brown hair that curls a little when it gets to the ends. It isn't long, but it isn't short either. It sits perfectly on the top of his head.

"My name is Noah Aguilar. It's nice to meet you." He flashes me his smile and puts his hand out for a handshake. He's so cute. At first glance he's super intimidating, but once you see his smile, all of that intimidation gets washed away.

I kind of stared at his hand for a little, staring in awe.

"Oh! Yeah, hey! I'm, uh, Carmina. Carmina Wiley!" I respond, almost shouting at him with every answer.

He chuckles, "Wiley huh? Interesting last name." He says looking down. He smiles with his eyes, you can see him squinting. I'm literally going to melt.

I give him a blank stare. I'm a little disappointed that he's making fun of my last name...

"Interesting in a good way!' He says, quickly trying to save himself from the daggers shooting out of my eyes.

"Like in a cute good way..." He adds.

I try to hide my smile, but I fail. Full pearly whites are showing now, "Thank you..."

It's too dark to see but I swear I saw a faint pink hue, scatter on his cheeks.

"Uhhhh, anyways, why are you out here so late? By yourself, I might add." He asks, his eyebrows tilted toward each other with concern.

"Um, hm, I- I don't really know... Oh wait! I need to get Gatorade for my friend!" I answer. How could I forget why I was out in the first place?

"So I'm guessing you're gonna go over to that corner store over there." He said, pointing to the store I was gonna go to.

"Oh wow! How'd you know?" I joked. I kind of cringed at myself because I would never make that kind of joke, it's too corny. But he laughs, so I guess that makes it okay.

"Do you want me to, uhhh, come with you? Because it might be unsafe and all..."

"Oh, um, I don't know, I mean, do you want to come? If you don't you don't have too. I mean, you already saved me from some weirdo... If you have something you need to do then you can leave. But um, if not, you can come if you want. But you don't have too..." Why is he making me so nervous? I'm not like this. I don't get like this. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?

"Well, I'm not doing anything... And, like you saw, it's really unsafe so... I think I should come with you." He says assertively.

He kind of got intimidating again. He honestly seems like a really scary guy. Like, I would not want to get into a fight with him. What am I talking about, he's literally in the UFC.

"Okay, yeah! You can come wi-, wait... what are you doing here at this time walking all alone if you're not doing anything afterwards?" I raise my left eyebrow in suspicion.

"This is where my training center is. I was walking over to my car when I heard what was going on." He said, nodding to where his car was parked, it was a damn nice car.

"For the UFC right? Yeah, that makes sense, because, when I saw you on the TV you were pretty toned and-" I stopped dead before I could finish my sentence.

"Oh, so you do know who I am." He asked, giving a small smirk.

"No, no. I don't know who you are. I just remembered you from the TV because I was looking at- you know that's not important, all I'm gonna say was that I wasn't looking at your name."

"Hm, okay... Whatever you say Wiley." He chuckles.

Hearing my last name come out of his mouth doesn't sound bad at all. Usually I would hate it, and chew out anyone who would call me Wiley, but him, I can get used too.

"Well, are you ready to go?" He asked, putting his hand into the pocket of his black hoodie.

I stood there a little confused, "Um, go where?"

"To the corner store?" He laughs while pointing to the store, he's fully laughing now, laughing at my stupidity.

I flush with embarrassment. What is he doing to me, why am I losing sense around him?

"Oh right. The store." I blush. I've blushed like what, five times now. That's five too many.

After 30 minutes, we get back to the front of my apartment building. We stood in front of the door laughing.

"I can't believe he thought you were stealing!" I laughed.

"I don't even know why he thought I was, do I look that scary?" He asks, shaking his head.

"Not scary, but intimidating." I replied.

"Really... Hm." He replied, looking as if he didn't know this himself.

"You know, you're one of the only people who say I'm intimidating instead of scary." He says, looking at me happily.

"Um, I mean, should I be scared...?" I ask, half jokily half not.

"Mmmm, I don't think so..." He says, jokingly, maybe not...

Suddenly, his phone rings, he pulls his phone out and reads the contact that's on it, "Hey, sorry I gotta take this." He says, looking more serious than I've ever seen him this whole night.

I nod, and he turns away from me to where I can only hear some parts of the conversation.

"Seriously... can't... I'm busy... Great timing... Things I wanted to do... Right now?" He then ends the call with a grunt, "I um, have to go. My manager he's... not very happy with me right now..." He says looking a little disappointed.

I won't lie, I'm kind of disappointed that it had to end so soon too, but it's okay, it was bound to happen anyway.

"Bye Noah, it was nice to meet you!" I call out after him

He was already half way into the car when he hollers back, "Bye Wiley, I had fun tonight. I'll text you!"

Suddenly, he was in the car and gone before I could say another word. It must have really been an emergency.

I'm pretty blind when it comes to flirting, but I think he was flirting with me the entire time we were together. Oh, who am I kidding, he would never go for a girl like me. I live in this janky ass apartment, and he owns a gorgeous car, I saw him on TV!

He's the type of guy that would have a model as a girlfriend and have little model babies.

Well whatever the outcome, HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO TEXT ME! I can't wait to-


I basically break down in the middle of the first floor. I wanted to cry, if he wasn't going to end up as my boyfriend, he at least would have been a friend. How could I forget to ask him for his number? At least he knows where I live, maybe he'll come visit. No, he wouldn't do that, thats stalker level things.

Well shit.

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