Chapter 29: The Predatory Blue Ranger's Eyes

Start from the beginning

"What's happening?!" Naomi exclaimed with a furrowed brow.

Her question got lost in the air.

Panic gripped the guards in the control room as the shrill sound of the alarm blared through the air, instantly setting their hearts racing. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads as they frantically typed on their keyboards with urgency. Their eyes darted across the multiple screens. Tension filled the room, evident in their furrowed brows, clenched jaws, and the occasional exchanged glances filled with worry.

"Müller! Answer your former Head of the Elite, damn it!" Diego yelled in anger at his second in command, a female guard.

"A big swarm is coming to us, sir!" Müller, the female guard exclaimed and gulped. "Bigger than the last time."

This is my fault. I need to finish what I've started asap.

"Impossible!" Diego replied with clenched fists. "Rodríguez! Provide an assessment of the situation, stat!"

"A swarm of over a hundred phoenixes is headed to the city. The blue Sonic Echo Ranger is coming straight for us to strike the protective dome, sir," said Rodríguez, a thirty-something man with dark brown hair and glasses. "Its flying speed is faster than ever registered. Imminent contact in ten seconds. The swarm will be inbound in our airspace in a couple of minutes."

Those ten seconds flew by as Sky typed faster than ever, sweat coating his forehead.

The blue Sonic Echo Ranger relentlessly started hammering against the protective dome, its sonic blows growing fiercer with each strike. The hexagons that comprised the dome glowed brighter with each impact, trembling under the force.

Sky, Naomi, and the soldiers stood in the control room, their faces etched with worry and panic as they watched the dome's integrity being tested. The resounding thuds echoed through the air, creating an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty.

Two minutes came and went. The swarm flew in circles over the protective dome, waiting for the blue Ranger to finish the job.

The protective dome quivered under the relentless assault of the blue Sonic Echo Ranger, its hexagonal shields bearing the brunt of the blows. The once impenetrable barrier started to crack, fractures spreading like spiderwebs across its surface. With each passing moment, the hexagons shattered and disappeared, fading away like disintegrating pixels.

As the dome gave way, the swarm of menacing beasts poured into the city with a ferocious hunger. Chaos ensued as they preyed upon unsuspecting citizens and Elite soldiers, their relentless attacks leaving destruction and despair in their wake. The air filled with the cries of terror, the clash of weapons, and the anguished screams of the wounded.

Amidst the turmoil, the blue Sonic Echo Ranger glided towards the Control Tower, its deadly gaze fixed upon its target. With precision and malevolence, it unleashed a powerful sonic blast towards the tower. The ground shook violently, as if struck by an earthquake, and the tower trembled under the impact.

Shattered glass rained down upon the control room, its sharp fragments adding to the cacophony of destruction. People screamed in fear, their voices mingling with the sounds of crumbling infrastructure. The acrid smell of smoke and burning materials filled the air.

Diego and Naomi struggled to maintain their balance behind Sky. The force of the blast caused glasses to shatter and objects to topple.

Sky's fingers missed the right keys on the keyboard and he fell on his palms and knees. With a groan, he stood up once more. His dishevelled fringe kept getting in the way, but he didn't care.

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