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I was escorted back to my room. I may look calm from the outside but inside I was furious. I was burning in range. I was mentally cursing that scrum bag

I entered inside and I could hear the sound of the door being locked from outside. I sigh and sat down on the bed and went into my deep thoughts

'I probably think it's one of this enemies that he wants me to kill. He is really hungry for power'

I was drawn back from my thoughts when I heard the door being unlocked. I looked towards it while Taehyung entered the room cautiously

I wonder that's going on with him. He looked at me after locking the door and saw me intensely starting right through his soul

He passed me a awkward smile while scratching his nape. "What's going on with you that you are acting this way"

He sat down beside me and I felt the bed sink. "Well I am strictly restricted from telling you anything". He looked at me with a blank face

"And how does that makes you soo tensed?", I raised my eyebrows at him. "It is just that I was checking wheather anyone was around that could possibly eardrop on us"

"And you had to make it look too obvious". He breathed out and massaged his temper

"You know the people passing by can probably hear us talking and decide to eardrop us". He nodded his head understanding what I was saying

"I have something to say to you that I just found out about", his expression soften as he looked at me

I became tensed as I knew that whatever Taehyung finds out is never a good news. "What is it about". Taehyung didn't say anything and stayed quite while looking down

I was becoming impatient and angrily yelled. "Spill the beans, Taehyung". But still he kept quiet. After insisting him and getting no reply, I lost it

I grabbed his collar and lifted him up. "Whatever the matter is just speak it out". I looked at him with red bloodshot eyes while gritting my teeths tightly

"Yoongi is-", he stopped midway. "Yoongi is?", I asked him to continue. "The person that Yoongi assigned you to kill is someone that you know and is really precious to you", Taehyung said in one breath

I released his collar. "And who could that be?". I was in utter shock. Because how come get to know about him or was it just a coincidence

"I have absolutely no idea, the only thing I know is that the person is related to you. Yoongi never mentioned the person's name". He spilled out the truth

"It could be anyone, we can't predict who it is since he has a tons of enemies who Yoongi has in his kill list". Taehyung was right, I can't predict who it is

"But I need to make sure that whoever it is, is safe and sound. I won't let Yoongi kill any of them while I am still alive"

"I need to go now, Yoongi would doubt me if I stayed her any longer". I nodded at him and he left the room

The room was filled with silence again. I sat down on the bed and held a fist full of hairs in frustration and growled loudly

Everything that is happening with me is giving me anxiety and making me go insane

"What is he up to?", I mutter under my breath. The day by with me locked up inside the room, overthinking about the whole situation

The morning arrived and it was my time to find out about the 'someone' that I am supposed to kill

After getting ready and being done with breakfast. A maid from earlier asked me to follow her

As she escorts me through the mansion, my eyes kept wandering around, observing every little detail of the house

I almost bumped my head into the old aged women due to being carried away. There were well built bodyguards surrounding the entire floor.

She knocked on the door a few times before a faint voice replied, "Come in". The maid opened the door wide and asked me to walk inside

I did as I was told. As soon as I walked in, the door was shut closed. I look forward and find someone sitting like a king, which was no doubt, Yoongi

He gestured me to take a seat and I sat three chairs away from him. And as expected, there were bodyguards surrounding the room from every corner

Yoongi was the one to speak up. "You are called here, because you are going to start your work from today". I looked around and nodded my head

"So first you will be attending a business party tonight where you will find our target, then you will approach him and start a casual conversation with him"

"You have to make sure that you build a strong connection with him"

"Then you will be invited to his house party, where only his close ones are allowed and in the middle of the party, you need to sneak into his room and take out all the information and transfer it to us"

"And later after a few days, you need to call bring him to a abandoned building and end him there. I will send my men's after the work is done to dispose the body"

Listening to this, my blood turned cold. Imagine betraying the one that trusts you the most and think of you as their own

"And don't worry, I will be present in that party to keep an eye on you". He stood up and once again felt me there alone

I zoned out and didn't realise I was sitting there for too long, until the maid from before shook me lightly and accompanied me back to my cell


Happy Army birthday to ya'all. And upon that happy birthday to me

It's been a really long journey with Wattpad and with BTS

Thank you and have a sweet life

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