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Third Person POV
After Maeve practically yelled at her parents, there anger level eventually raised much higher than before and to its peak. °THE MANNERS THAT YOU HAD IN THE PAST, WHERE HAD IT GONE NOW?°, her mom angrily asked

°I NEVER HAD THEM, THEY WERE ALL FAKE°. °DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD WE WORK FOR YOU, SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE A HAPPY LIFE?°, this time her dad stepped forward in the argument

°Happy life? HAPPY LIFE?, C'mon who are you trying to fool, me or yourself?°, her parents didn't understand why she would say something like that. Weren't she having a happy and carefree highschool life? She was the one saying how happy she was

°What nonsense are you talking about?, Weren't you the one saying that you had a perfect life°, her mother asked, she have already guessed something was wrong and that she was lying to them, because she knew that her daughter would never say something without having a reason behind it. Even her father knew this

°I was the one who said this, but I never meant it truly°, °Are you even aware about the fact that I get bullied EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY°, Maeve spoke out her feelings that she had held inside her for years

Pearl white tears were forming inside her beautiful designed siren eyes which also had a hint of cat eyes. But Maeve refused to let them out, she refused to look weak infront of them, her parents

°W-Why didn't y-you told us about th-this e-earlier?°, her mother barely managed to speak without stuttering. Both of them were equally shocked when Maeve dropped a massive bomb leaving them absolutely stunned. They never expected something like this would be going on in their daughter's background life

°Ofcourse I didn't want to stress you guys out more after seeing you already stressed about your work°. Maeve's eyes were red by now and her voice was also really shaky as her emotions started taking over her body and mind. But yet, her heart was the one who was effected the most

Her parents now wanted to confront her after knowing what actually going on in her life. But before they could take another step forward........

Maeve POV
I found them taking a step forward towards me and I knew why. But I won't let them resolve them soo easily until and unless they answer my questions, because I deserve to know the truth. Before they could take another step towards me..................

I ran away from the dining room, through the hallway, then to the entrance of the house and outside towards the main gate. I ran away from my house while dragging my feet to run as fast as they could and as far as they would take me from my parents and this house

I took a look back and saw my parents come out while desperately wondering their eyes. I saw dad aggressively ordering the guards to search for me. Even tho I couldn't hear what he said and could only see the lip moment but still I could figure it out

I eventually slowed down once I was pretty far away from my house. There weren't much people since it was already dark outside. The street lights were still on which made me feel safe

I didn't knew where I was going, I just went where my feet dragged me to. And like that I ended up going inside a creepy looking alley. The dark and creepy vibe that it gave out was very unsettling with me. I didn't knew why I had to enter this alley, like I could have just simply ignored it. But something about this place was just attracting me towards it unknowingly

The sound of my footsteps and my uneven breathing were the only things audible in this alley at the moment. My heartbeat was slowly raised up with the tension building up, consuming me slowly and fear taking over my heart. Goosebumps were now visible

I gulped the saliva down my throat and continued walking futher and futher despite wanting to turn around and just run away. My legs seems to be possessed, even if I wanted to just run away from this alley, my legs just kept moving

My breath hitched, while my blood ran cold. My ears pricked at the sound of faint footsteps. It may seem like someone is walking behind me because they have to go somewhere using this route or maybe a shortcut. But I am one hundred percent sure that there is someone behind me who have absolutely no good intentions. And I can feel that

But yet, I didn't dare to turn around or fasten my pase. Instead, '1... 2... 3 and run'. Saying this I all of a sudden started running like my life depends on it. Well it really does at this moment

The footsteps behind me also seems to fasten. Tears were once again starting to build up inside my eyes. I regret leaving my house. Instead I could have just went into my room. 'Oh god please save me today'

But unfortunately, my prayers were ignored by the god, as my pace seemed to slow down because of the lack of oxygen. But no matter what, I kept running with the left-over energy present in my body

The person behind following me eventually reached near me and a strong force or more particularly someone's arm was wrapped around my waist to stop me from running. And the other hand covered my mouth using a handkerchief

I was one hundred percent sure that something was added to it, and my guess was correct as I slowly felt my eyelids getting heavier. And breathing as well slowed down and the world around me started getting blur while at the same time, I felt everything spinning 

My head became light, and that was the time I guessed what was actually added to the handkerchief. 'Chloroform'

That was the last thing that came to my mind before everything stopped spinning and rather started turning dark. I eventually lost my consciousness, and my body left backwards


Hey there little 'innocent' babys of mine. I know I know that I didn't 'Again' update regularly as I promised in the last few chapters

But look, I know that you guys are lazy, and you guys also know that I am as well pretty badly lazy. ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ...................

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