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The birds were chirping, and the sun was high up in the sky shining bright. While me, on the other hand, was still taking my beauty sleep. The irritating sound of my alarm was heard right when the best moment was just about to arrive in my dreams. I let out a loud, annoying growl and slammed my alarm shut

"Another day, another new stress to deal with", I said, as I got up from my now warm and comfortable bed, and headed straight to the bathroom after grabbing some fresh clothes from the closet, to freshen up and start my day like any other regular day of the week

I came out of the bathroom wearing a simple white tshirt and some black skinny jeans and to end the look, a pair of black sneakers. My long waist-length black hair were tied up in a tight high ponytail, keeping them away from my face and away from irritating me

Grabbing my backpack which was probably laying somewhere in the corner of my room. I went downstairs only to find it empty as always with just maids and guards doing their work. I don't even remember when I last spent a proper family time dinner with my parents

I sigh and went to the kitchen to just grab a apple and walk my way to school. I was never a person who liked to show-off the amount of money they got inside their a**

After a twenty minutes walk, I was standing infront of my school or should I say 'Hell'. That's what I like to describe it as

I walked down the hallway, while receiving hate and disgusting glances from the other students. I ignored it like usual. I suddenly tripped, because some random student stuck their leg out purposely to make me fall. All the students who saw the scene started laughing

Irene, my only friend, came running towards me and helped me stand up. "Ignore them", she whispered to me in a soft voice, she knew what I was going through and she was the only one who believes me. I nodded my head and we both walked towards our locker which was beside eachother

After taking our books for our first class, we both headed towards our maths class, today luckily we both had same classes giving me a chance to stick around with her

"Are you ok Maeve? Did you get hurt anywhere?", Irene asked me, she is the only one who ever cared about me in this school. I am really thankful to get a friend like her. "I am perfectly fine Irene, and I didn't get any hurt", I said

We reached our class and went inside, sitting down beside eachother. Soon the teacher arrived as well and started teaching. Me and Irene stopped talking and focused on what the teacher was teaching

The bell rang indicating that the class is over. Me and Irene packed our stuff and headed out of the class. "Maeve, I will quickly head to the restroom, can you go to the cafeteria alone", Irene asked. I could clearly see that she was kind of hesitated to let me go to the cafeteria alone. "Sure", I replied, plainly while giving a reassuring smile to her

"Just be careful", Irene said and went to the restroom. And now, I was alone. I was really scared to be alone in this hell, because I am scared that something will happen to me while Irene is not there beside me

I shrugged off all the negative thoughts from my head and started walking towards the cafeteria. But, to my bad luck. As I was passing by a empty classroom, someone suddenly pulled me inside the classroom

I falled onto the hard floor, I heard the door lock. My heartbeat started becoming faster and my whole body started shivering, not because of the cold atmosphere but because of the fear of getting beaten up, again. I started getting goosebumps. I didn't dare to take my eyes off the floor

"Look who we have here", I heard Jia's voice say, in her irritating voice. "Where is that Irene of your, did she left you alone",  Jia said, and her minions started laughing at her 'not so funny joke'

"Look at me when I speak to you b!tch", I felt a hand with long nails pull my head backward by grabbing onto my hairs, I already knew who it was. It was as if someone was trying to rip off my scalp, it was painful

Suddenly, loud knocks were heard on the door. Jia harshly pulled her hand back. My head was throbbing from the harsh grip of her hand. Jia let of a annoying sigh. "This time you escaped from us, but next time I will make sure you won't", Jia said in a threatening tone and opened the door that was locked

Irene runs towards me before giving Jia and her minions a death and hateful glance. She always had a huge hatred towards Jia because Irene knew how much of a big lier she was

Irene helped me stand up and started dusting off my clothes and checking whether I got any injuries. She carefully untangled my hairs, my ponytail was now completely ruined. I just couldn't hold back my emotions and hugged Irene tightly while crying my heart out

"Just let it all out", Irene whispered sweet things to me while hugging me back and patting my back which made me cry even more harder on her shoulder

'Why am I soo pathetic and weak, I can't even protect myself I need someone to protect me. I can't even fight back, infact, I can't even stand up for myself'. I cried harder and harder as negative thoughts were covering my head. They were not fake but real which made me hate myself even more. I sometimes feel like going to sleep and not waking up the next day, that's what I hoped for

After there were no tears left to shred, I managed to calm myself down. I believe that by now I have fluffy red eyes with a red nose, and my eyeballs are also red due to the heavy crying


How was it?. I am not a professional writers or something so I am really sorry if it was boring but I promise the storyline will become more interesting, maybe

Anyways stay safe and healthy

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