As Somada and Dharmendra locked eyes on the battlefield, a hush fell upon the warring armies. The clash of swords seemed to reverberate through the air, each strike resonating with the weight of their collective destiny. The tension was palpable as the spectators from both sides watched the duel unfold.

Dharmendra, with a wicked smile curling his lips, taunted Somada. "Ah, the fearless princess of Ayodhya. What makes you think you can stand against me? How amusing it is to witness their pitiful attempts at resistance. Your feeble attempts are nothing more than a futile display of naivety."

Somada gritted her teeth, her determination burning like a fierce flame within her.

"Did dear old Lakshman and Ram teach you how to hold a sword? I must say, their efforts seem wasted." He insulted. "You are nothing but a weak princess, unworthy of wielding a sword."

Ignoring Dharmendra's provocations, she focused on her footwork, her grip on the sword tightening. She moved with a grace and agility that belied her weariness, her every strike a testament to her training and resilience.

Fatigue and weariness threatened to take hold, but she fought on, drawing strength from the cheers and encouragement of her father, Lakshman, and Ram. Their voices pierced through the tumultuous soundscape, lending her the support she needed to press forward.

Lakshman and Ram, standing on the sidelines, cheered for their beloved daughter. Their voices rang out with unwavering support and encouragement, echoing across the battlefield. "You can do it, Somada! Show him the strength of Ayodhya!"

Dharmendra, sensing Somada's exhaustion, intensified his assault. He used every opportunity to mock and taunt her, hoping to break her spirit. "You fight like a mere child, Somada. Is this the best Ayodhya has to offer? Your kingdom is as weak as you!"

The words stung, fueling Somada's fury. Somada's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and determination as she parried Dharmendra's strikes with calculated precision. Each insult fueled her resolve, igniting a fire within her soul. She refused to let his words diminish her strength or undermine the love and devotion that her family held for Ayodhya. She unleashed a flurry of strikes, her sword dancing with deadly precision. Each swing carried the weight of her people's hopes and dreams, as she fought not just for victory but for the honor of Ayodhya.

With each clash, Dharmendra's insults grew more venomous. He sneered, "Your father, Lakshman, and your so-called king, Ram, are nothing but feeble old men. Ayodhya is a crumbling kingdom, and you are its last desperate hope."

Somada's heart burned with indignation. She refused to let his words break her spirit. Drawing strength from the love and support of her family and the unwavering loyalty of her people, she fought back with renewed vigor.

With each swing of her sword, Somada fought with an intensity that matched the fury raging within her. The clash of steel resonated through the air as they danced across the battlefield, their footsteps leaving imprints in the churned earth. Her movements became more fluid, more calculated, as she sought to overpower her opponent.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Somada's prowess began to shine. With a masterful stroke, she disarmed Dharmendra, her sword pointed at his throat and leaving him defenseless. Triumph surged within her as she stood tall, her chest heaving with exertion and her eyes blazing with victory.

Dharmendra's eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself at the mercy of the woman he had underestimated. He dropped to his knees.

Her voice resonated with authority as she declared, "Your tyranny ends here, Dharmendra. Ayodhya will no longer bow to your darkness."

Somada's eyes blazed with triumph as she stared down at her vanquished opponent. The cheers of Ayodhya's army echoed through the battlefield, their jubilation filling the air. Her voice, strong and unwavering, echoed across the battlefield. "The light will always conquer darkness, and Ayodhya will rise stronger than ever."

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