But then it lightened up. "I have a strong passionate felling toward you, I always have. It just took me time to realize what it was. What I feel you, Caleb is much more different from what I felt for Cyril. It’s better and exciting. You make me feel very happy and giddy. Like I said to Kendal, you are like the missing puzzle piece to my heart."

I smiled as a smile grew on his face. "I like you Caleb. That’s why I let you kiss me." I explained to him, happiness lit his eyes. He carefully put his hands on my face and adjusted my hair, putting the unruly strand behind my ear. He leaned in and met my lips in a slow, gentle, passionate kiss. It spelt how special I was to him, how much he feels for me.

If I wasn’t light headed I’d say it’s love, pure love for me. He just let us melt into each other. Then he withdrew and place a loving kiss on my forehead. "You don’t know how much your words and declaration means to me."

"Touche." He laughed at my reply.

He placed his forehead on mine. "You don’t need me telling you how I feel about you because words can’t express them but I would make sure my actions do." He promised.

"I know, I trust you. So…. What now?" I asked looking up in his eyes.

"Let’s get official."

"Really?" I asked overjoyed. My face splitting into a blinding grin.

"I didn’t expect it to be this soon but I’m glad it is. Give me a minute." He said then he left.

I was all giddy inside, he wants us to be official like… "Orla Singh…" He started on one knee in front of me and I smiled. "You’re the most beautiful, smart, dependable and amazing girl that’s ever come into my life and I want you all to myself." His voice shook slightly in nervousness, a blush dusted on his cheeks. "I know it’s selfish but will you grant me the honour of….." He Brought out a small box. "...being my girlfriend?" He now opened the box.

In the box laid a pendant with double 'C's crested with diamonds, then a heart sat in between that had a whole diamond in it. It was beautiful, it is beautiful. "Orla?" It also had little angel wings on each end.

"Yes." I chocked out. "I’ll be your girlfriend." I replied and he beamed. Letting his tiny dimples show. He took out the necklace and stood to his feet, walking over to me. He put the necklace around my neck delicately then I hugged him, burying my face in his chest.

"Now you belong to me." He said and I could feel his joy and hear how happy he was from his voice.

"Only you and you belong to me." I said back and he chuckled.

"Only you Angel, only you."We’re official now, I couldn’t be happier especially since he’s my first relationship.

I padded down to Caleb’s room, he’s fixing dinner and I just finished having my night bath. I wanted to put on his clothes because he loves me in them and it's not news that I am comfortable in his clothes.

I easily slipped into his room, my hand on my new pendant. I don’t plan on taking it off, ever. I walked in and was awed. He had many pictures on the wall. I could make out him, Kendal, his parents, even myself and some other people I take to be his siblings and maybe, Iris.

He had a huge bed in here and a wardrobe, a table and chair. A bedside table that had a picture of me on it, smiling very brightly which brought a smile to my face. 'Is it healthy to be happy about someone being obsessed with you?'

I went to his wardrobe and it was properly arranged. Shirts, short, jerseys and shoes. I took out a short and shirt. I easily slipped in his shirt and I had to tighten the thread in his short so they can sit on my waist.

Cupid's Heartbreak (Completed/ Re-editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now