Chapter 8- fake out

Start from the beginning

"Uhm. Y-yea. Yea I guess that's what this is. My name is Lacey. Has anyone else been in here. Named Y/n" I asked hopeing she would've been moved here too.

"No. It's just me and my brother. Pietro." She responded.

"Oh." I said. Disappointed.

"Is Y/n someone important to you" I heard a male voice ask. Most likely pietro.

"Yea. She's my sister. Oh my god I'm all alone" I cried.

"Yea. If you have someone important to you they are either going to be here or dead" pietro said.

"Pierro. Don't say that" Wanda scolded.

"Sorry Lacey. I didn't mean it like that" he said.

"No. It's ok. But she's alive. I know it." I said. "How did you get here"

"Our parents died in an explosion. Hydra brought us here to help us. We joined an experimenting program" Wanda said. "There's a scepter thing. It gave us these... powers"

"Powers.. my sister has something like that I guess. She uses them to protect me most of the time" I said.

"Yea. I got superspeed." Pietro said.

"I have telekinesis. They gave me children's blocks to test them out" Wanda said. "My hands glow red whenever I use them"

"Its only a matter of time before you get tested. It's not very fun. But it feels great afterwards. So you better hope for the best" pietro said.

"What's the best" I asked. But suddenly the door to my cell opened and severalvguards entered.

"Hey. Hey what are you doing. Let go" I said struggling as they dragged me out.

I was placed in a chair and strapped down with leather bands. Infront of me I saw the scepter pietro and Wanda told me about. It looked weird and soon a "doctor" was in the room. He had on a hazmat suit as he grabbed the sceptor and brought it twords me.

I tried breaking out of the chair to no use. But when he touched my arm. Something changed and I panicked more.

The doctor/scientists eyes went wide as he dropped the scepter. I looked at my arm to see nothing but the piece of leather. But it was still wrapped around my arm. I could still feel my arm. I think I was invisible.

Quickly the doctor turned around and wrote something in a book. I kept looking at the rest of my body to see it wasn't there. And when I thought about being visible again. It happened and I could see my arms and legs.

"Holy shit" I whispered. The scientist turned around and saw me sitting there. He jumped slightly. And turned back to writing.

"Hey. Hey are you gonna let me out." I said as he turned back for a moment.


Its been over a year after I was "given" my powers. 3 months after they ran more tests on me I was sent to another base.

Who I learned were the maximoff twins, stayed at the same one as they continued with more tests.

I've gotten used to my powers tho. Aside from invisibility I also have telepathy or mind manipulation. Hydra has forced me to make their moles spill secrets otherwise they will beat me or leave me without food for a long time.

I haven't seen Y/n since the day they took me away either. But sometimes I hear the mention of "ghost" and I think that was the name they gave her. So I know she's alive.

Today I would be transfered to a new "better" cell. I was completely surrounded by guards incase I turned invisible but unluckily they found a special type of clothing that doesn't change when I do. So even if I were to turn invisible they would be able to find me easily unless I somehow took it off.

There is also a tracker on my neck just in case for that too. The lock is a special kind too so only 1 specific key will work and no lock pick will change that.

We were about to enter the new cell hall when suddenly a red light appeared across the hallway. I never learned Russian so I couldn't understand it but all the guards were panicking. 3 of them started running while the last one grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me to the cell. He quickly closed the door and ran off after the other 3.

I sat against the wall with my knees up. Watching the hall through the small bared window I had.

Occasionally a few men would run by. But soon I heard the sound of fighting just outside the hall.

"Hey" I called. "Is someone there. Can you help me"

I kept hearing the grunts of a fight when a sheild bounced off the bars hitting 2 men running infront of them.

"Hello." I heard a man say. He looked through the bars and saw me sitting there. "Hold on. I'll get you out" he said.

Almost immediately after the door flew in and a man in a red white and blue suit stood there reaching his hand out to me.

"I'm Steve Rodgers. Or captian America. Either works. I'm with the avengers. Now we need to hurry. Before more hydra agents come" he said.

I nodded and stood up taking his hand has he pulled me through the halls. Watching each corner and Occasionally talking into his ear piece.

"Wait" I said. "The tracker on my neck. They'll be able to find us" I pointed out. He looked at my neck and grabbed both sides of the collar. Pulling it apart like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Thanks" I said as we continued down the last hall.

Once we were outside I saw all the dead body's lining the ground. A few other people dressed in suits were waiting outside aswell.

As we got closer I heard a voice I didn't think I would hear again. It was a girl with long red/orange hair in a red outfit. I stared at her for a moment before speaking.

"A-are you wanda" I asked looking at her.

"How do you know my name" she asked in the same accent I remember.

"I'm Lacey. We met 2 years ago. With the experiment thing hydra did. Well we didn't exactly meet but. We talked" I said starting to ramble.

The other avengers looked kinda sad when I mentioned the experiment. Probably out of pity from what happened.

"We need to move. Now. Stark has the files. Let's go" another redhead said. She was in a completely black outfit and had short hair.

Everyone else agreed and we got onto a weird plane/jet that flew extremely fast.

Me and Wanda talked about what has happened from the last time we talked. I showed her my powers and she seemed amazed at what I could do.

"So. Would you have to walk around nude to be invisible?" She questioned. I looked down to see the outfit hydra specially made for me.

"No. Hydra just made this so they could find me easily. Otherwise I turn completely invisible. I can also turn some other objects and people invisible"

She nodded and we continued talking til we got to the avengers tower.

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