0 | Sherlock Holmes

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I think the most valuable thing that could come from a human life is a story. A story made of memories that are as true as their name. I'd know - I'm part of one of the greatest tales of all.

"Draco!" I called to the blond idiot I call my best friend. "Come on, Dobby's made dinner!"

Draco looked down from his place in the air and began speeding down to me on his broom, stopping about half a metre in front of me. "When is your dad coming back to town again? I want you to stop bothering me."

"Tomorrow, unfortunately." I took the end of his broom and yanked it out from under him, his back bashing against the grass of the Malfoys' backyard. "Come on."

He groaned, brushing off the dirt from his clothes and following me into the manor.

"Thanks for the food, Dobby," I said to the cowering house elf, who nodded and pulled out my chair for me to sit before scurrying off to who knows where.

Draco sat across from me, although the table was well over 10 metres long with ten chairs on either side.

"You still seem angry about not going to Durmstrang. What's the matter with Hogwarts?" I asked.

"With all the sorry excuses for wizards in there? Rather annoying, wouldn't you say?"

I rolled my eyes and sipped from the glass of water to my right. "Well, it's one of the best wizarding schools in the world, so be grateful that you're going."

His grey eyes glared at me through his brows, a sneer on his lips. While he knew basic table manners, I thought he was about to fling a meatball at me.

I have known Draco all my life and while it's always fun to be a tease, he cannot stand anyone ruling him inferior by any count. I've seen him explode over minor things like being laughed at when he fell in the mud while flying.

"Well, what do you think about it?"

I pondered over the question, never having been asked. "Hopefully it's not boring," I finally said, making Draco's brow quirk. "'Hopefully it's not boring'? You think that being in the best wizarding school in the world is boring?"

"Geez, Draconis, you'd think you weren't just complaining about it a moment ago."

My back leaned against my chair, a wind of a sigh leaving my lips. "You think that being at school could possibly be exciting? It's either you've never left that broom or never laid eyes on a book."

"The manor has a library, you know?" He seemed to pout, but hid it with irritated eyes. "And it's not like regular school."

"Yes, yes." I waved my hand dismissively before rising from my seat, plate in hand.

The sound of the chair scraping on the floor summoned two house elves, who took the plates, including the one in my hand, and rushed off to the kitchen.

"You'll never learn basic house skills," I told Draco, whose eyes rolled as he replied, "I don't need to. We have elves and magic for that."

My brow raised, but I felt no need to scold him for not having the basic skills needed to survive. Even if he didn't, I was sure that he'd find some desperate someone that was enthralled by him enough to do everything for him.

"By the way," I started on a new topic. "When I said book, I wasn't talking about the ones in the wizarding world."

His brows knit together. "You didn't."

"Perhaps I did."

"Father said we couldn't."

"Your father said we couldn't. My father, on the other hand, has had a recent fascination with a rubber duck."

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