Chapter 15: The Great Naruto Bridge: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Why do I need my own protection? What about my team? Why am I so-"

"Naruto." Hiruzen cut in. "As the village Jinchūriki, you are a special case. You are our last line of defense when you get older, which means you need to be trained to be able to use your abilities to the best of... well, your abilities. These Shinobi will be tasked with making sure you're able to do that as safely and quickly as possible, so what happened to Haku won't happen to anyone else you care about.

"And you don't have to worry about your team, or Kakashi's. This group is not going out of their way to prioritize your time and space compared to their own. However, if you are in the village and would like to train your Kyuubi chakra, you will have to seek out one of these people to help you do so."

"We're just your glorified babysitters." Anko supplied helpfully.

"Quite. Now, in three days teams seven, eight, and ten will be doing a joint training session, hosted by Kurenai-san over there. Until then, you will be essentially living in The Forest Of Death and practicing your abilities. We do not know the limits of your seal, nor do we know the limits of your power. We will be discovering them so that your team does not receive any... nasty surprises that you have no control over. Understood?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama!" All the Shinobi chorused.

"Good. You're dismissed!"

*Day One*

"This place is totally wicked!" Naruto screamed.

Anko watched Naruto run up and down a tree while surveying the forest with a giddy feeling bubbling in her chest. Training Ground 44, The Forest Of Death, was Anko's baby. She had taken and cultivated this place as her ultimate safe haven, somewhere she could run away from the scrutiny and scorn of the villagers and be at peace and as happy as she wanted to be. It was her home away from home, and whenever she got overwhelmed or in an argument with anyone and needed to destress, she came right here and took all the time she needed to refocus on her life.

Watching Naruto, the only kid she really cared about, embrace her space and seem to love it there filled her with a level of happiness she couldn't even put into words. Sure, Kakashi and Akari and Kurenai would come around and hangout, but it always felt like they were trying to rush to get out of the forest as fast as possible. Naruto seemed to breathe in it and revel in it in a way that... well, in a way that only Anko did.

Probably had something to do with the way the villagers treated him as well.

Not thinking too hard on that, Anko shook her head and whistled for Naruto to come down. He did so reluctantly, sliding to a stop in front of three of the five Jonin, but with his eyes still traveling the expanse of the forest. Anko allowed herself another small smile before focusing, rapping Naruto on top of his head to get him to look at her.

"Paying attention, Naruto?" Anko asked breezily.

"Hai Anko!" He chirped.

"Ah ah ah, while we're together training in this forest I'm your Sensei. So that would be 'Hai, Anko-sensei' from you." She cooed.

"Eat a bug and die, hag." He replied instantly.

"Why I outta-"

"Anyways!" Kurenai cut in. "Right now Tenzou and Akari are setting up barrier with chakra suppression seals and chakra masking seals as well. Plus Tenzou is apparently adding something to 'bleed off the excessive demonic chakra in the area' as he put it. Which means that you should have no issue with anybody in the village feeling you accessing the Kyuubi's chakra and making a big stink about it."

"So Naruto, what do you remember from your fight with Haku?" Kakashi asked.

"I don't.... I don't remember anything after Sasuke was taken out." Naruto told him.

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