Chapter 3: Making Friends

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A/N: Hello! I had absolutely no idea how to end this chapter. I just did what I had to do and did what I wanted to do and I hope you like it either way! Thank you.



*Actions (will not be used much)*

Formal Japanese Term(English Translation)

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

*2 Weeks Later*

"Ah ha!" Naruto said, turning towards the direction of the chakra signature. However, the moment he looked at it it disappeared, causing the boy to frown gently. "Thought I had... whoever it is that time."

Naruto sat down slowly, trying to differentiate the chakra he was feeling from the other chakra in the park. A few weeks ago, he had started to feel one specific chakra signature that kept appearing in his range, but never someone he could see. It didn't happen everyday of the week, in fact most of the time it was fleeting and moving, but when he did get the chance to focus on it, it would immediately disappear or move out of his range. Looking for the chakra helped him with his chakra control but it also was extremely frustrating to be looking for something or someone that he didn't exactly know was real.

As he was searching for that one he felt another chakra signature in the distance. This signature was surrounded by three other signatures, and it was... fluctuating wildly in a way he wasn't used to chakra signatures changing. Most chakra was a shade of blue, with a different kind of core to help him tell the difference between the important people in his life. However, this one was almost a shade of purple, moving ridiculously fast even though it was staying in the same place.

Extremely curious, Naruto started to head towards the four signatures next to each other. When he walked up, he was startled to see 3 older boys seeming to pick on a smaller girl in the park. "Hey! Stop doing that!" Naruto yelled, running into the group quickly.

The boys looked up, the one in the middle just in time for Naruto to punch him directly in the mouth. He staggered back lightly, holding the side of the face and wincing lightly. The other two boys backed up to stand next to the first one which let Naruto stand directly in front of the girl still on the ground.

"You okay lady?" Naruto asked, looking back over his shoulder. The blue haired girl looked up at him, and Naruto noticed she didn't seem to have pupils in her eyes. 'Weird.'

"Y-yes I'm okay." She said to him. Naruto nodded, looking back up at the boys he was engaged with. In the time he took to look away, the boys had fanned out to surround him, causing Naruto's eyes to widen and look back and forth to try to keep all three boys in his sight. While Naruto was looking at the one on his right, he felt the one on his left's chakra signature start to walk in his direction.

Naruto smiled to himself, turning to run towards the one that was moving at him. The boy looked at him in surprise, his guard not up enough to block the other punch that Naruto threw. It hit the boy in the chest and he basically collapsed onto himself backwards. As he did so, he felt another chakra signature close on him from behind and he turned quickly to see the other side kid running up to him.

Naruto got his guard up but still took a punch to the stomach. At five years old, he had never had proper training to fight, so fighting three 8 year olds was a little too much for him. After he stumbled back from the initial punch, the kid on the ground behind him tripped him, causing him to fall into the dirt. He sat up slowly only to get another punch to the mouth, causing him to spit out blood. He rolled backwards away from the boys to get back to his feet before immediately charging the three boys directly in front of him.

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