Chapter 15: The Great Naruto Bridge: The Aftermath

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A/N: Naruto is learning more about his abilities! He won't be able to master every elemental ability, he's not gonna be THAT OP, but I will allow him to learn complimentary Jutsu for each element just to make him a little bit more deadly in combat. Hence him learning Endan and Suidan and maybe Raidan from Kakashi later... definitely a couple Earth Jutsu will be in his repertoire though!


Biju Speaking


*Actions (will not be used much)*

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

"Uzumaki Naruto." Hiruzen began.

Naruto gulped, looking back at Kurenai and Kakashi for support. The two Shinobi were only staring directly at their village leader and Hokage. He looked to his left and saw Akari doing the same, Anko on his right doing the exact same. He gulped and looked at his leader, nodding his head like the Jonin he was surrounded by.

"...Yes. Your Kaa-san was Uzumaki Kushina, the formerJinchūriki(Power of the Human Sacrifice) of the Kyuubi No Kitsune (Nine Tailed Fox)." Hiruzen said, ripping the bandaid off. "Your father will not be revealed to you at this time. He had many enemies, and he did not want his sins to be reaped onto his son. I apologize for the secrecy, but it was for your safety in the long run."

Naruto's eyes had started to tear up as he talked, causing him to nod. He started to take a step forward but Hiruzen held his hand up, the seasoned Hokage knowing how difficult this was for the boy.

"However", he continued, "your mother adding a secondary seal onto your first one is not something we were planning for. Likewise, your rage when using the Kyuubi chakra was immense and immeasurable. As such, you will be relocated to missions inside of the village for the time being, until we have a better idea of what that new seal on your shoulder does and how dangerous the Kyuubi chakra will be to you or your friends. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded. "Hai, Hokage-sama. My mother told me my seal collects energy, specifically designed for the Kyuubi's chakra, to store and filter out the impurities in the energy. As such, the more I use the Kyuubi chakra the more energy I will get into my seal, and it acts as a life saving fail safe whenever my life is in danger."

"Would it work for any other energy?" Akari asked. Hiruzen shot her a withering glare, causing her to slink back, even as Naruto looked up at her in surprise.

"I... I don't know? Kaa-San only talked about the Kyuubi chakra, and I didn't think far enough ahead to ask about other chakra."

"Quite." Hiruzen said. "Naruto, you and the Jonin inside of this room will be going to Training Ground 44, The Forest of Death, to explore your seal and your new connection to the Kyuubi. Likewise, we will be inviting a fifth member, an Anbu, to help you explore your new found capabilities."

Hiruzen snapped his fingers, and an Anbu dropped from the ceiling. He removed his mask and smiled lightly at the group when they could see his relatively plain face. Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief over Naruto's shoulder, causing the young man to look up at him to see a happy feeling building in the man's eyes.

"Nice to see you again, Tenzou." Kakashi said.

"You as well, Kakashi-taichou." The newly named Tenzou replied, bowing lightly.

"Good, at least some of you are already acquainted." Hiruzen said. "This is Tenzou. Tenzou has a distinct ability that makes it easier for him to help contain and control Kyuubi chakra. He will be joining you on your training for the time being." Here, Hiruzen looked over at Anko and Akari as before he continued. "Tenzou will also be your third team member going forward. The five of you Jonin will be Naruto's protection squad, tasked with making sure Naruto doesn't succumb to his newly discovered powers. Any questions?"

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