Chapter 7: Iruka-Sensei

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A/N: Hello! So this is the chapter where we really get into the canon of the Naruto world. Kakashi, Anko, and Akari are more out of his life than they were before, so they can go on missions. Naruto will have to thrive and grow without them, which is fine! HE can do that because he now knows there are people in his life who care for him, which is enough for him to thrive as a person. At least that's how I consider it.

This chapter has rapid time cuts, because I decided I don't think I need anymore backstory chapters for this book. The rest would just be filler that I could add in, but it wouldn't do anything but drag out the story more than it needs to be.



*Actions (will not be used much)*

Formal Japanese Term(English Translation)

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

*One Year Later*

"Ino-chan! Hina-hime! It's time!" Naruto yelled, grabbing both of their hands and running to their classroom. The two girls glared at each other before following. After a final year in the Academy, it was time for the students to get their new teacher, the one to teach them Ninjutsu and the finer flows of the Shinobi world that Suzume-sensei couldn't show them.

When they entered the class, Naruto surveyed the room. All of his friends had entered the room, in new outfits as well (A/N: Canon part 1 outfits). Naruto looked around the room in surprise and happiness, smiling at everybody as they entered the room. Naruto was wearing a pair of black pants with orange details on the pockets and seams, inspired by the staff Hinata had given him. That was strapped to his waist, Kakashi refitting his old White Light Chakra Sabre sheath to fit securely on the back of Naruto's pants. He wore black Shinobi sandals, a gift from Anko, and his black Shinobi gloves gifted by Ino on his hand. After he reviewed her seals, he realized she had applied weight seals and not gravity seals, which meant that instead of increasing the weight across his body that gravity seals would, it only increased the weight on the gloves as the weight increased. He never let her live it down that she got those wrong, even though he copied the seals and applied them to his shoes as well. He wore a grey shirt, Hinata's bracelet tied to a chain around his neck to form a kind of choker. Kiba's Black Fang hung on a longer, more durable chain that hung down the front of his shirt. The holllow window was now filled with a bright blue color after he had infused his baby teeth and chakra to the fang. On his back over the staff he wore a black letterman style jacket, with orange sleeves, the orange Uzumaki symbol on his back, and white ruffles around the neck with white highlights on the sleeve as well. On his forehead, a pair of goggles from Akari with a few special seals he applied to them.

Naruto grinned and nodded his head at Sasuke before taking the seat to his right. He heard a commotion and looked to his right at the same time as Ino claimed the seat, grinning at Naruto happily. Naruto grinned back as Hinata took the seat next to Ino, with Sakura claiming the seat next to Sasuke from all the other fangirls. Kiba arrived and pouted heavily, taking the seat next to Sakura and grumbling the whole time. Shikamaru and Choji sat in front of them, Shino sitting next to Choji. The nine of them conversated lightly, Sasuke ignoring Sakura as she gushed over him, until the door opened and a taller man walked through.

"Good morning class!" The man yelled. "I'm your new teacher, Iruka-sensei!" He smiled wildly at all of them.

"Good morning Iruka-sensei!" The class chimed back.

Iruka surveyed his new students. His eyes darted over Sasuke and softened, then darted over Naruto with worry. Naruto didn't truly recognize the look and since it wasn't something he expected he considered it better than Suzume-sensei. Naruto smiled back at the teacher, who nodded and eyes continued to trail over the class. When he was finished, he smiled, nodding his head at the room.

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