Chapter 4: Starting the Academy

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A/N: It's time cut time! I don't remember if Naruto had met anybody else before he went to the Academy, and honestly I don't think he needs to. Just assume from age 4 to 6 he was hanging out with Hinata, Akari, "Inu", and Anko, and working and getting better at his Sensory abilities. It's basically been about 8-10 more months since the last chapter before the academy started.



*Actions (will not be used much)*

Formal Japanese Term(English Translation)

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

"You all set, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto nodded, shifting his bag on his shoulder. "Yeah Anko-chan! This'll be great!" He smiled up at her, causing her to smile back at him.

"Got a notebook, got a pen, you got your lunch?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Yes, Akari-chan, my bag is full! You guys helped me pack yesterday and I didn't change any of it."

"And you ate breakfast?"

Naruto smiled lightly. "Yes, Inu-san, I did!" He looked at all three in a small amount of annoyance. "Can I go now?"

Anko barked out a laugh, slinging her arms around both Akari and Inu's shoulders. Akari balked and immediately moved out from Anko's arm while Inu just shook his head at her antics. Naruto laughed at them each, running up to give all of them a quick hug before running into the Academy Building. "I'll see you all when I come back!" He reminded them.

Naruto ran to his first classroom, feeling the mass of different chakras in the room. Some of them were larger than others, but Naruto noticed none were as large as his, or any of the adults in his life. 'Do I have a lot of chakra?' He thought in confusion. 'Am I not supposed to have this much?'

Naruto started to get slightly worried before he felt a familiar chakra enter his range. "Hinata-chan!" He yelled, waiting for her to appear in the room. He got a few looks for his outburst but he didn't care, immediately speeding over to the one friend he had before the class when she entered the room.

Hinata giggled when she saw him running over, her blush appearing on her face almost immediately. "G-good morning Naruto-k-kun." She whispered quietly.

Naruto smiled at Hinata, taking her hand and pulling her deeper into the classroom. "C'mon, Hina-hime, let's find some seats!"

Hinata blushed at the contact before following Naruto. They found some seats near the back of the room and sat next to each other, talking lightly before the teacher appeared. Naruto heard people whispering about him and saw people looking at him but ignored it, in favor of just making sure his best friend was okay for the first day of school.

Before long, the teacher walked into the class. She looked around at the class slowly, her eyes landing on Naruto and narrowing almost impercetibly. Naruto, having been subject to those looks his whole life, immediately knew what that look meant and tensed, his feeling about the school year changing quickly. 'She's one of them...'

"Good morning, class." The lady began. She had dark black curly hair that was cut short, a small pair of glasses on the edge of her nose, and an older, slightly wrinkly face. The class responded back favorably, causing her to smile at the small six-year olds. "I am your teacher for the next three years, Suzume-sensei. My job is to make sure you have the benefits of the core values of life; reading, writing, mathematics, science, geography, and everything in between. During those three years, you will be introduced to another teacher for you boys, while I take the girls to attend Kunoichi classes. After that, you will be getting a new teacher to teach you the finer things about being a Shinobi; but let's not get ahead of ourselves. We will start with a small aptitude test to see where you all are so far at the start of this curriculum."

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