Chapter 9: Team 8

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A/N: No note! But, my question is, would you prefer me to translate the Jutsu names after every time I write the Jutsu, or just keep the Key at the end of the chapter? Just let me know!



*Actions (will not be used much)*

Formal Japanese Term(English Translation)

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

"N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata yelled, bursting into his home with Kiba following.

"Ne? What's up Hina-hime?" Naruto responded.

Hinata looked around the room, seeing a bunch of people in the boy's apartment. Ino, Shino, Shikamaru, and Choji were all settling into his room, and were all looking at her in different stages of surprise. Hinata blushed at the attention. Naruto walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron and holding a pot, looking at Hinata with a quirked eyebrow.

"W-what's all t-this?" Hinara asked.

Naruto looked around for a second. "Oh. Yeah, after we met with our Jonin instructors I asked everyone if they wanted to hangout! I asked Sakura but... she said she had to think about something. She said she couldn't make it. But yeah! We tried to wait for your team, but after a couple of hours we got hungry so I decided to start making dinner for us. Which should be done soon! How was your team, Hinata?"

"Naruto! Y-you'll never guess w-who our Jonin Instrcutor i-is!" Hinata said.

Suddenly, a poof of smoke interuppted the conversation, accompanied by a laugh and a giggle. The Genin cleared the smoke away, Naruto feeling a weight drop onto his head as the smoke disappeared. Naruto looked up to see a mop of spiky silver hair and a mask smiling down at him, causing Naruto to smile back widly. He sensed two other presences behind him and grinned, turning around to look at everyone in the room.

"Maa, Hyuuga-san! You almost ruined the surprise." Kakashi laughed.

"Kakashi-san! Anko-chan! Akari-chan! You're back!" Naruto cried, pulling them all into a hug.

"Hello Naru-kun! We missed you so much!" Akari cried.

"How you doing squirt?" Anko snorted.

Kakashi held his finger up to his lips. The two women nodded, instead just pulling him deeper into the hug. From the side, another Naruto showed up from the kitchen, causing Kakashi to raise an eyebrow at the sight and that he was actually holding something else.

"If we have all these people for dinner, it's gonna take at least another half an hour." That Naruto complained.

Akari and Anko removed themselves from the hug, turning to look at that other Naruto. They looked into the kitchen and also saw three more Naruto's in there, looking between the five Narutos with a surprised look. Anko crossed her arms while Akari just looked at him unapprovingly.


"Yes Anko?"

"Why are there so many of you?"

"Because I'm a Shinobi?"

"Naru-kun!" Akari yelled annoyed. "Don't get smart. Did you figure out Kaze Bunshin No Jutsu(Wind Clone) while we were gone?"

"No, I don't know that Jutsu, I didn't leave him that scroll." Kakashi told them.

"So then Mizu Bunshin No Jutsu(Water Clone)?" Anko said.

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