Chapter 6: A Change In Life

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A/N: New Chapter: I'm sorry it's not going as fast as I anticipated, but I just... I keep thinking of cool stuff that I want to add to the characters backstorys! I'm guessing I'll have between 7-10 chapters before they graduate from the Academy, and I apologize if that's just too slow for the people who are reading this story.

Also if you didn't know, Kakashi was the captain of Itachi's Anbu squad in canon. It's also canon that the Uchiha Massacre was his reason for no longer being an Anbu and trying to become a Genin Instructor, and I'm trying to show that in my story right now.



*Actions (will not be used much)*

Formal Japanese Term(English Translation)

Japanese Jutsu Names(English Translation)

I do not own Naruto. All rights go to Kishimoto.

*Story Start*

It was three months from Sasuke returning to class before Naruto felt a familar chakra signature in his area. "Inu-san!" He yelled happily, running away from Hinata and Ino, who he was hanging out with that day. The two girls looked at each other before following, Hinata slightly pouting as she went.

Naruto darted through stands and stalls chasing after the signature. When he approached it, he looked up to a tall figure... and saw a book in his face. Behind the book, he saw Inu-san's iconic hair and grinned, jumping up to pull the book down and look in the Anbu's face. "Inu-san! Nice to see-"

Naruto stopped suddenly, tilting his head in his confusion. The man behind the book didn't have on an Anbu mask; though he still wore a mask over the bottom half of his face. His Konoha headband was worn over his left eye, the man's other eye widening as the only visible feature of his face. Naruto had started to fall to the ground, and Inu-san naturally caught him, letting Naruto down onto the ground lightly so he didn't hurt himself.

"Ne?" Naruto said in the man's face. the man put a finger up to his mouth in a "Shush" fashion, smiling with his eyes down at Naruto.

"I'm not this 'Inu-san' guy you speak of. My name's Kakashi." He told him.

Naruto squinted up at the man, immediately going into his Sensory Mode to check his chakra. At that time, Hinata and Ino caught up, arriving just in time to catch the awkward stare down the two were going through. Naruto checked the chakra and confirmed that it was still Inu-san's chakra. He smiled lightly at the man, causing Kakashi to tilt his head at the boy.

"Alright Kakashi! Well, my name's Naruto and we should be friends!" Naruto said, sticking out his hand. He was immediately punched on top of his head, causing him to look down at the ground in pain.

"Naruto!" Ino yelled. "Don't bother an active Shinobi like that! He probably has other things to do than worry about us Academy students."

Hinata bowed down at Kakashi respectfully, ignoring the sounds of Ino and Naruto arguing in the background. They do it often enough that she was too used to it. "I'm t-terribly story for bothering you, Sh-SHinobi-san." Hinata told him. "We will g-get out of your hair so th-that you can continue with y-your business for the day. A-Again, terribly sorry."

"NO!" Kakashi yelled desperately, catching all three off guard. Ino and Naruto both stopped fighting, Naruto with a hand pulling her hair and Ino with a hand pulling out his cheek. Both of them removed their hands from each other as they looked at Kakashi in confusion. Kakashi sheepishly rubbed the back of his head (Which helped Naruto fully confirm that he was talking to Inu-san) as he coughed to act like the outburst didn't come from him.

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