I'm now intrigued and do my best to get a good look. The person grabs the mic.
"The person you've all been waiting for is finally here" he says into the microphone. I catch his British accent. The crowd cheers and begin to get excited.

Suddenly the music begins playing and the base drops. The lights turn on to follow the music flow.
"Follow me" max says. We do as he says and walk through the crowd up towards the front. I get s closer look at the DJ.

He's got on sunglasses so I can't see much. But he has the most beautiful curls ever in his hair. His smile is contagious, and you can tell he knows how to get a crowd going. We dance and jump to the music, which is definitely a much better vibe than earlier. Playing songs I love, and others that ID never heard of but are so catchy.


"Tina, let's go!" P yells. I pull Clara and we follow p and max. They take us behind up onto the stage.
"Thank you everyone, you were a blast today! I'll be back soon!" The DJ yells. The crowd cheers and clapped. He turns around and walks over toward us.

"That was amazing!" Max yells. He high fives the DJ and they hug.
"Thanks mate" he replies. He looks over at us, and then his eyes lock with mine. Not once breaking his smile.
"Oh, yes. Lando this is Tina and Clara" max says.

Lando walks closer to us and up closer he looks even hotter. The sweat drips a bit from his forehead, his smile even more contagious. He hugs Clara and then walks over to me.
"It's very nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of cool things about you" he says to me, taking his sunglasses off. They reveal the most beautiful light eyes I've ever seen. I can't seem to take my eyes off of him. I blush.
"You as well. That was incredible" I say.
"Thank you" he winks.
"Let's head back down so we're not in the way" max yells. We all nod and follow his lead.

"Let me help you, it's a bit dark back here" lando says grabbing my arm. We walk down the stairs onto the dance floor.
"Thank you" I blush and look away. Clara smirks at me and laughs.
"Make your move" she whispers and walks away.

I shake my head. She knows I'm literally crushing so hard right now. I don't even know hot to act. For some reason, it feels as if we lost connection with everyone else. Like it's just us two.
"We should probably dance" lando smiles putting his hand out.
"Might as well" I reply. I put my hand in his as he leads us to a spot to dance.

He gets closer to me, as we begin to dance. The rhythm of the music causes us to slowly feel each others bodies close to each other. He looks so damn good, I don't even know if I should keep looking at him or what. He smirks.
"You're really pretty" he whispers getting close to me. I feel his cold breath on my skin, causing shivers.
"Thank you, I- you look so hot. I mean-"
He laughs. Ugh, I'm such an idiot.
"Thank you" he says. I hate that he's much more confident and I'm just embarrassing myself. But what makes me fall even harder is that his smile never leaves.

The song changes to a slow one, and he pulls us closer together.
"Is this alright?" He asks genuinely. I nod, blush, and look away.
"Don't look away. I like seeing your smile" he says moving my face to look at him.
"Sorry, I'm just- nervous" I laugh.
"Don't be. It's just me" he laughs.

The hours pass but they feel like seconds. I've had such a great time meeting him. He's so kind, so sweet, and funny. It almost feels too good to be true.

We walk out of the club, since everyone is getting ready to leave.
"I should probably take you both home" he laughs.
"We're fine. I didn't even drink much today, I was with you" I reply.
"Let me get you an Uber at least. It's late and-"
"We're fine" I say.
"Okay, okay"

I look at my phone and realize I have some messages from Carlos.

Chili ❣️

tina how's it going? You okay?


Valentina contesta!

I'll pick you up, just tell me when

omg sorry chili! Just saw this! We're ready to head out, thank you

okay, on my way

I put my phone away.
"My brother is coming to pick us up actually. It's fine" I say.
"Ah okay. Sounds good" he replied.

We laugh at how we both interrupted each other.
"You go first" I say.
"I just wanted to say that I had a lot of fun with you tonight. You're so cool and so sweet and beautiful. I hope we can hang out again soon" he says blushing.
"You're too kind. I had an amazing time too. Anytime" I reply
"Here, let me give you my number" he says.
I hand him my phone.
"So you don't do this with other girls you meet at the club, do you?" I joke.
"No. Trust me they're not interested" he smiles. I roll my eyes jokingly and look away.

He hands my phone back.
"Want me to wait with you two?"
"No we're okay. Go get some rest" I reply.
"Fine. Have a good night princess" he smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Goodnight lando" I reply. He walks away towards the parking garage.

Clara and i screech.
"That was amazing. He's so, ugh" I blush.
"He's cute that was cute. I'm so happy for you Tina" Clara hugs me.
"Okay but shh we can't tell Carlos about this" I laugh.
""No no i won't" she smiles.

Lando POV
Tina was so amazing so incredible. I can't wait to see her again. I knew she was going to be special. I can't help but smile as walk back to the car. I've been smiling so much tonight that it hurts. A car beeps at me as I walk by, and pulls over.
"Lando it's past your bedtime you should be in bed" they yell out. Of course I recognize the car and the voice.
"Carlitos sainz! What are you doing out so late old man!" I yell back. I walk over and we do our handshake.
"Fuck off" he laughs.
"You deserve it" I reply.
"Where you off to?" I ask.
"A place Little boys can't know about" he says.
I laugh.
"Just kidding, just getting some late dinner" he says.
"Ahh okay. Well I'll see you tomorrow at the office. Goodnight Carlitos" I wink.
"Buenas noches lando" he says and drives off.

Valentina pov.
I suddenly see carlos car pull up. We get in quickly and he speeds off.
"Thanks chili for picking us up" I say.
"It's no problem. It's better than walking" he smiles.

We get home and head up to the apartment. We all get ready for bed, and Clara keeps the promise. I won't tell carlos about this until I know it's serious. It's going to be hard enough that I can't tell him I'm literally Carlos's sister. But I'm going to do everything in my power to make it work.

sainz sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon