late summer rain

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as much as it hurt the both of them to admit, their fights were getting more frequent than they wanted. it is hard to tell what it was, especially for seonghwa since every time he feels like its more and more his fault. his fault that they are fighting, his fault that there's space growing between them.

when moon goes to kindergarten, hongjoong mostly stays in his studio working while seonghwa tries to occupy himself with cleaning, reading or most of the time searching the problem in him. why him and hongjoong fight lately.

'is it me?'

'have I done something wrong?'

'does he not like me anymore?'

'maybe rowoon hyung was right.'

rowoon said that hongjoong would get sick of him eventually, that he's only here for moon. maybe he was really right, hongjoong probably had enough of seonghwa. his presence, his clinginess. everything about himself, seonghwa put in question.

rain falls heavily outside, for seonghwa something that calms his mind. he's always been into asmr, rain sounds always helped him sleep in his idol days when things were hard. his mind was at peace, he watches the water drops hit the ground and inhales the scent of late summer rain.

on his lap rested moon's head who was taking a good nap. seonghwa throws a warm blanket over his son's body, making it more cozy and comfortable for his baby. he smiles as he admires moon's face. his small pointy nose, he got from his dad. big eyes and full lips from his mommy. seonghwa tucks his fine hair behind his ear and looks out the window again, admiring the dark clouds next.

moon likes to say that the when it rains it means that the clouds are crying because the sun left them alone.

seonghwa tells him, the sun is always with the clouds. they cry because they think she's not but without the sun there wouldn't be clouds.

right now seonghwa likes to think that the clouds are crying, that the sun has left them to overshadow the town in darkness. it kind of matches his mood;
sad, frustrated and heartbroken.

still thinking about his relationship with hongjoong, how bumpy the road is and how by every bump it breaks the car even more.

on the other side hongjoong was pretty upset about the incident with seonghwa and rowoon. he knows he can't hold this against him forever. hongjoong wants them to move on, to push every problem away and just go thru life like it never happened.

he sees how seonghwa's eyes brim with tears when they argue, these days over the most random things. hongjoong walks away knowing its wrong but seeing seonghwa cry only made him feel worse about himself, like he's the reason why they are hurting. instead of comforting the other, hongjoong leaves him alone. he doesn't know himself how to react. he's still upset about the things the fight over, his feelings get so mixed up the only way to end the fight is by easily walking away.

but the aftermath isn't easier. unlike seonghwa, hongjoong knows what he'd done wrong but every time hongjoong analyzes him. he tries to read his reactions, the way he moves, the looks on his faces, trying to figure out what seonghwa's done wrong.

he doesn't like to search for issues in seonghwa but hongjoong's aware that an argument contains of two people.

but today hongjoong really isn't looking for one. he accidentally deleted one of his memo's, having to re-produce everything again hence why he's still working.

its already seven in the afternoon, finishing work an hour later than usual. seonghwa didn't question it. he fears every time the two talk, it'll form into an argument anyways. he exits his studio, seeing seonghwa peacefully sitting on the couch with moon on his lap.

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