be with you

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it was a late lunch break for hongjoong after they practiced their dances the whole morning. he was already exhausted from constantly moving and jumping around but luckily for the rest of the day they have individual practice where they're basically free to do what ever like dance or vocal.

he snuck into his studio to finally call seonghwa and moon after a few days. it is hard to find time to call them with him always busy nowadays and them being on the on the other side of the world but hongjoong really tried to call them whenever he has the time to, he didn't want for moon to grow the habit of his absence again. excitedly he seats on the couch and presses on seonghwa's contact.

he waited for seonghwa to pick up the call meanwhile he looked at himself thru the front camera. his face was still red from dance and his hair stuck to his forehead because of his sweat. he combs his hair back with his fingers, trying to make him somehow look presentable when he really didn't need to. the last thing they would care about is how they look but still hongjoong still wants to impress seonghwa.

the waiting is abnormally long and hongjoong slowly gets upset, not with seonghwa but himself. at his hour he mostly would be still up. on somedays he would stay up longer, on the others he would fall asleep earlier. hongjoong hoped that today he would still be up but it seems like the opposite. he puts his phone away from his face, down onto his lap and ends the call disappointed. this was the third day of no calls, they only texted here and there but hongjoong wanted to see them. he misses them too much for them to only he texting once a day but he knows he is the person that doesn't have the time to which only makes him more upset.

he leans his head back and sighs. he was really looking forward to call them before he goes back to practice, it would've given him the perfect amount of motivation to keep going for the day but now he was just dull. there was a lot of preparations to do but hongjoong now lacks in motivation yet he decided he'll go back to dance to get his moves clean.

for hours hongjoong keeps on trying to perfect his moves but once he gets one done, he messes another step. it got him frustrated, nothing today went how he wanted it. he holds his knees as he bends down to catch some air, while his sweat drops down on the floor. time goes unnoticed until mingi walks in the practice room.

'god why is it always him?'

not that hongjoong dislikes him, in fact he loves mingi, he loves all of his members but knowing mingi would tell seonghwa that he overworks himself, cautions him.

"come on, let's go home."

he said as he gets a water bottle and passes it to hongjoong.

"mingi, please just 10 minutes. I wanna finish this one step."

he pleads but mingi crosses his arms.

"its already 10 PM. we were supposed to be here until 8 but you looked so concentrated, I didn't want to stop you."

hongjoong closes the water bottle and lightly throws it the corner of the room. he ignores the younger and goes back to dancing.

"hyung, we have a lot of time still. we can practice it together tomorrow."

still mingi got no response from him.

"you know exactly what happens when you stay a minute longer. you know who I'll tell."

he says and hongjoong stops to turn towards the other.

"this is how you threaten me? by telling seonghwa? okay, what if he knows? I can still come back here. I don't care, tell him everything."

at this point hongjoong let his emotions take control of him. mingi was genuinely worried about him but he just responds him rudely, hurting the other. mingi only looked at him. he wasn't angry or sad but the way he looked was defeating.

marigold | sh. - hj.  | correcting atm!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat