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it's been about two hours since hongjoong and seonghwa left and everything was going fine for yunho and mingi who were hanging around on the couch. since the other members went to sleep, they decided to stay with moon until the two come back.

'what a good kid.'

they say, hence him sleeping the whole time without waking up once until they hear the bed behind them ruffle and suddenly they break out in mental panic.

quietly they watch the little one sit up and search for his parents. confused he searches with his tiny hands thru the blanket but moon was soon sad and disappointed when he got no sight of them. yunho sees his tears welling up in his eyes and taps mingi on his thigh.

"call them right now."

he whispers as mingi nods and pulls out his phone to do so. the sound yunho made while standing up, made moon turn his head in question.

"mommy? daddy?"

he asks, following a quiet sob after. his tears started streaming down his small face when he saw yunho instead of his parents.

yunho sat at the edge of the bed and smiles warmly at the boy who only hid under the covers again.

"hey moon. mommy and daddy aren't here right now. they're on their way. they will be here very soon."

his heart breaks in two hearing more sobs coming from moon. he softly lays his hand on top of the blanket where moon laid, caressing his quivering body. he looks at mingi who seems to be struggling with reaching them.

"their phones are shut off."

mingi mouths to him who lets out a defeating sigh.


moon calls as he cries and sobs but he one answers him.

"moon don't be sad. I promise they'll be here in a minute. is there something you wanna do until then?"

yunho asks in an exciting voice, hoping the kid would get out of his sad mood but as expected he gets rejected from the four year old.

"at least come out or else I'll start crying too."

he tries again, maybe children have a bit of empathy and this time with success. moon lifts the blanket of top of him with his face red and stained with tears.

"i want mommy and daddy."

he says again with his head hung low.

"I know but we'll wait together until the come, okay?"

it takes a bit of time for moon to answer and honestly yunho was getting frustrated the longer hongjoong and seonghwa were gone. eventually moon nods his head as he finally makes some eye contact with yunho who slowly has a smile growing on his lips.

out of nothing moon starts moving to yunho and sits on his lap with his head tucked beneath his chin. yunho laughs and rubs his back in comfort, hoping and praying that seonghwa and hongjoong come walking thru these doors asap. not because he didn't like moon, he actually enjoys this a lot but more because his heart can't handle his crying any longer.

20 minutes has passed and it is the third time moon asks,

"how long until they're here?" 

he is getting a little impatient the more time passes and  yunho and mingi are getting short on answers. they notice him going back to being sad although they try to keep him busy with games and all but moon can't help but miss his parents.

marigold | sh. - hj.  | correcting atm!Where stories live. Discover now