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months have passed, it's mid summer and seonghwa couldn't be happier. he is finally living in the peace he wished for and just everything has been going great so far. although the different  time zones, he and hongjoong didn't miss out day on calling each other. they intended to do it so that moon could see hongjoong on face time everyday but surprisingly they would talk to each other for hours. it became the highlight of the day. 

seonghwa is surprised when he sees hongjoong caller ID on his phone display. it is late in the afternoon which means its past midnight in korea. he called them just a few hours before moon went took a nap so he picks up the phone curiously. 

"you just called hours ago. moon is already sleeping and shouldn't you be too?" he says while tidying up the living room he and moon played previously.

"can't I call to talk to you?" hongjoong asks sadly on purpose but seonghwa only laughs at him. 

"what do you wan't to talk about?" he gets comfortable on the couch. rowoon isn't in town right now so he has the apartment to himself. 

"I don't know. I'm just bored."

"are you in the dorm?" 

"no." seonghwa sighs to his response. he knows hongjoong spends most nights working hard on new songs. even when before debut, hongjoong always came home very late from the studio which had a lot of members concerned.

"go home and sleep. you're only getting older so you shouldn't be up late at night anymore." he says jokingly, hongjoong chuckles in response. 

"I don't wanna go now, we just only stared talking and I can't fall asleep anyways."


"hmmm?"  he doesn't say much after but seonghwa knows there's something bothering him hence why he doesn't want to go to sleep.

"is there something you want to talk about?" he asks him calmly trying to get the issue out of hongjoong's head.

there was silence for a good minute. seonghwa gave him the time to collect his thoughts before speaking them out loudly. the only thing he could hear is hongjoong's deep breathing over the phone. 

"you don't have to say it to me now, just know I won't judge you." he reassures him.

"I'm thinking about terminating my contract after our tour." hongjoong says. for the first time he shared this with someone. he thinks if he told the members or the company they'd be disappointed in him but he knows with seonghwa there are no more secrets. 

"if that's what you really want to do then I think it's great. what do you plan on doing after that?" 

"i want to move away from here. specifically I want to move closer to you and moon. I know it's a lot to take right now because we're still trying to get used to everything that's going on right now but maybe in one and a half or two years." 

"so you'll leave the industry?"

"yea, I don't want to be in the spotlight forever." 

"what do you think?" hongjoong asks the other and seonghwa of course wants to give him his honest opinion.

"I like the idea of us being closer to each other but it's gonna be a big change for you. I'm saying that out of experience, it's hard to find work here but other than that If you want to do it, I fully support that."

"I'm just worried about the members. I'm the leader of this group and I saw them when you left. I saw how it affected them and now when I leave, what's gonna happen to them? or what will our fans think of it?" hongjoong feels like he carries so much responsibility. it definitely makes it way more difficult but at the end of the day he needs to look out for himself the most and all he wants for himself in the future is to be with his family and watch his son grow up.

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