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nothing feels better than being woken, with a happily smiling face in front of you. loving the sound of moons giggles while he tries to tickle sleepy seonghwa. gently he grabs him and puts him on his chest, hugging the small one with his arms while both of them exchange a loving 'good morning'. he starts laughing when moon sits up with his messy hair all looking in different directions.

"mommy don't laugh. you're hair looks crazy too." moon says laying back with his head resting on seonghwas chest.

"no yours is way crazier than mine."  he tickles both sides of his son, wanting to hear his laugh again because in his nightmares the only thing he hears are harsh words being thrown at him. but when he hears moon all of the voices inside his head disappear.

"let's ask uncle rowoon who he thinks is crazier." rowoon is his brother's friend who he lives with. they have no special relationship than just friends to seonghwa and he likes to keep it that way. the only person seonghwa wants to put his attention on is moon and no one else. but they are really close and he is really thankful for the times he helped seonghwa go thru hard times. rowoon drove and picked him up from the hospital when moon was born and he takes care of him when seonghwa has to go to work. he thinks he can never return all the kindness he got from him but it was more important to rowoon that seonghwa and moon were healthy and safe.

moon pulls him out of bed and rushes to the kitchen where rowoon was about to leave for work.

"uncle! who do you think looks crazier right now? me or mommy?"

rowoon laughs at first then acts like he's thinking really hard while looking at the two up and down.

"hmmm I think your mommy looks crazier. he can't even fully open his eyes yet."  he answers while seonghwa already threw a pillow at him.

"see mommy I knew I was right. thank you uncle for your honesty." 

"no problem you know I always have your back but I gotta go now. I already made you guys breakfast." he says while putting on his jacket.

"that wasn't necessary but thank you." seonghwa thinks he doesn't deserve rowoon. he never judged him or moon and he is always so nice and caring but sometimes he wished it was someone else doing all of this.

"no its fine I promise. I'll see you after work, have a great day." his smile is reassuring and sometimes it does warm seonghwas heart.

"bye uncle see you tonight." rowoon waves one last time before closing the door leaving the two alone for the day.

„i think he likes you." moon whispers even tho rowoon already left the room and seonghwas eyes went wide.

„WHAT? why do you think that?" he laughs, ruffling thru his hair but he notices moon not taking it as a joke.

„i don't know it just looks like it." he answers with his head lowered. seonghwa knows there must be something bothering him with that idea and kneels down to be able to look him in the eyes.

would it bother you if he does, baby?"

„only if you liked him back." moon admits while avoiding eye contact.

„i want you to be with daddy. i want it just to be the three of us."

„baby don't worry i just want the same thing as you do. so don't think that i'll get together with uncle okay?" he tried to brighten up the mood again as he rubs his nose against his son's since he knows moon loves whenever he does that but inside he was starting to break again.


thanks for reading ,_,

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