broken glass

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for all the time hongjoong has lived with seonghwa and moon, hongjoong finds it pretty unusual for seonghwa to sleep in for that long. every morning he'd be the first one to wake up and make breakfast for the two but today was different.

nevertheless hongjoong gets up anyway, letting seonghwa sleep in for once. maybe he stayed up longer last night or maybe he's catching up on all the sleep he lost for waking up early everyday.

he walks into moon's room and wakes him up from his heavenly sleep. yes, moon started sleeping his own bed most nights. there are times where he'd rather sleep with his parents or knocks their door at night because he needs help falling asleep.

moon rubs his eyes and holds out his arms, needing that morning cuddle from hongjoong. he laughs at the boy, his hair sticks out in all directions and he couldn't open his eyes yet. hongjoong takes him into his arms as moon almost falls back asleep on dad's shoulder.

"good morning. did you sleep well?"

hongjoong carries him to the kitchen and puts him on one of the chairs at the dining table.


moon replies, slowly staring to really wake up.

"okay today we'll have some cereal and then we have to get you ready for school."

hongjoong says while getting two bowls, cereal and milk out of the cabinets. alone by the choice of todays breakfast, moon notices something different. he looks around, seeing no one but his dad.

"where's mommy?"

he asks with his eyes wide open.

"still sleeping. it's alright tho, let him take a good resting sleep."

hongjoong hands him his bowl and seats beside him, taking a big bite of his own. he gets both of them ready to go when moon stops his tracks before leaving home.

"wait, I have to say goodbye to mommy. can I?"

moon asks hongjoong who nods his head in response. they quietly enter the bedroom, seeing seonghwa still knocked out. he has this habit here he curls himself almost into a ball, making him look even tinier than hongjoong.

seeing his mom sleeping so peacefully, moon didn't want to wake him up. he tiptoes and leans to seonghwa then places a small kiss on his cheek.

"bye, mommy."

he whispers before quietly walking out the door again.

when hongjoong returns from the kindergarten, seonghwa is still in the same position. he doesn't know if he should be concerned or not. they've been living together for half a year and this is the first time it happens.

he sits at the edge on seonghwa's side of the bed while caressing his back. his face is squished against his pillow, making it hard for hongjoong to bring himself to wake him up because of how cute he looks.

either way he knows seonghwa hates waking up to late so he gently shakes his arm, making the other stir while sleeping.

"wake up, hwa."

seonghwa frowns and stretches his arms before massaging his temples.

"i have a huge headache."

he groans, rolling back on his side. hongjoong brushes thru seonghwa's hair and starts massaging it in a few places.

"that sucks. well then you should take some more rest."

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